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Questions tagged [nntp]

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2 votes
1 answer

How does Message ID in Usenet / NNTP works?

According to RFC 3977, the Message ID of an article should be globally unique in the whole Usenet network. I'm curious of how an NNTP server can ensure the global uniqueness of a Message ID when it ...
Rix's user avatar
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3 answers

Delete old usenet threads

Logged in at Google, I can delete old messages in Google Groups that were written by me. Is there a way to remove a complete thread that was opened by me (years ago) directly on the NNTP server that ...
rabudde's user avatar
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0 votes
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How do I change the password for an NNTP server in Thunderbird?

Running Thunderbird 8.0 on Windows 7 Pro 64 bit. I have an NNTP server that has public and private forums on it. I thus have two accounts set up, one for NNTP with no credentials, and one with a ...
geoffc's user avatar
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5 votes
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How exactly do usenet/nntp/newsgroups work?

I recently found a new way to share files, and I am curious about how exactly this may work. For example, I gained access to my ISP's nntp server. Is anything I see on my ISP's server stored on their ...
abc123's user avatar
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2 answers

Simple NNTP client for Ubuntu

I need to download a particular NNTP group. I do not need to setup any crons, put group contents in /opt and other stuff. Just run <fetch-nntp> <server> <group-name> <output-dir&...
Alexander Gladysh's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How can I participate in NNTP newsgroups over a (HTTP) proxy?

My company restricts access to the outside via an (HTTP) proxy. My Firefox settings for the proxy are working (proxy address + port as well as "use this proxy server for all protocols"). However, if ...
Martin's user avatar
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8 answers

Looking for good newsreader program [closed]

I am looking for good newsreader (NNTP) program, which 1) is preferrably free, 2) allows me to see older posts, not just latest, 3) can download posts for offline reading, 4) has good indexing/...
Peter Štibraný's user avatar