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Questions tagged [nginx]

nginx (pronounced “engine x”) is a lightweight web server and a reverse proxy server

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How can I set up Nginx on Ubuntu 20.04 to run PHP?

I'm trying to set up Nginx on Ubuntu 20.04 on Profiserver, so it's able to serve files with PHP contents. However following many tutorials still doesn't bring me the answer as index.php file is served,...
Mixtuur's user avatar
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How to allow the download of files with custom extensions from a Plesk server?

I have a dedicated Plesk server with several domains. In one of them I want to make available a file called, say, "file.db" If I try to download that file from a web browser, I get a 403 ...
OMA's user avatar
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Nginx rewrite inside location

Does make sense using of nginx rewrite statement with break flag inside location? location { rewrite path1 path2 break; } Seems like in this case it does'nt matter wich path2 is being used. Or maybe ...
Vadim Bondaruk's user avatar
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How do I set up Geoserver on Debian 12 with Tomcat9?

My Nginx after running certbot (in sites-available/domain): server { listen 80; server_name; # Redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS return 301 https://$host$request_uri;...
Michael Williams's user avatar
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Allow streaming only first or random frames of video but allow full download

I have a server on a Raspberry Pi 5 (8 GB of RAM btw). I have Nginx on it that allows me and others to watch my videos through a nice site. Though through trial and various errors, I found out I can't ...
Edw590's user avatar
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How to setup SSL certification for host inside CGNAT accessed via ddns

I am just learning networking (absolute noob, still) and NAS managing. I have a media server running an interface app with no security measures so far, and want to implement SSL certification through ...
GaloisFan's user avatar
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How to set-up Nginx conf to not pick Alphabetic order incase URL doesn't match reques

Wasn't sure how to word out the title but i have multiple docker server running wp/nginx Now we have a conf with a block for 80 and 443 for every site in the conf.d dir and in Cloudflare point the ip ...
Dean Michael's user avatar
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Resolving virtual host local domain

My goal When I go to it should resolve http://localhost:3000 My configuration I'm using Windows 11 with WSL (Ubuntu 22.04) /etc/hosts localhost my-...
Gogs's user avatar
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How do I set up Nginx reverse proxy and nftables to encrypt HTTP through CGNAT? (Read description)

(repost off Network engineering stack exchange as that was not the right place. My home network is behind CG-NAT and am not able to port forward. So, I have a Linode server configured to forward all ...
CrushedAsian255's user avatar
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Nginx Reverse Proxy - Node Apps ( on port 3000, 3001, 3002 and 3003) Configuration

0 So i have 4 frontends that i needed to be accessed by public, but i want to specify an user friendly like instead of I want this for all those ports, 3001, 3000 and ...
Tiago Pacheco's user avatar
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ISPconfig/Nginx/wordpress to nginx proxy manager | wordpress using permalinks/postname

I am migrating my wordpress site from Ispconfig/Apache to Ispconfig/Nginx and introducing Nginx proxy manager in the mix. The problem seems to be the following: htaccess is not enabled in nginx are ...
Arch's user avatar
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NGINX multiple authentication methods (one or the other) AND an IP check seems impossible

location / { proxy_pass $forward_auth_target; allow xxxxx/24; deny all; satisfy any; # This gets satisfied by the IP check, and auth is completely bypassed ...
Gergo Vari's user avatar
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Is there a way to prevent direct copy of URL with X-Accel?

I am currently serving private images using X-Accel. The images folder is behind the root, and I have the following block inside the nginx config: location /private_files { internal; root /var/...
Stackerito's user avatar
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X-Accel return 404 but path and config seem to be correct

I have the following block in my nginx config: location /files { internal; root /var/www/website/storage/uploads; } In my Laravel app I am trying to redirect get-file URI to the private ...
Stackerito's user avatar
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respond with a custom file from query string or default if file doesn't exist

I have an nginx server running a react single page application, simple stuff: server{ server_name; location / { root /var/www/testing001; try_files $uri /...
André Alçada Padez's user avatar
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Can't stream two rtmp streams simultaneously on nginx server

I'm having a problem streaming two streams at the same time using nginx/1.22.1 and ffmpeg on raspberrypi 6.6.20+rpt-rpi-v8 #1 SMP PREEMPT Debian 1:6.6.20-1+rpt1 (2024-03-07) aarch64 GNU/Linux nginx....
Dinamo's user avatar
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How to build Pagespeed PSOL binaries from source for ARM64 (aarch64) Raspberry Pi 4 on Ubuntu Server?

I am running Ubuntu Server 22.04 (aarch64) on my Raspberry Pi 4. It is a web server. I am trying to build the Nginx Pagespeed Module for the Raspberry Pi 4 with modern PSOL binaries. I have created a ...
DanRan's user avatar
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Connection reset when streaming rtmp from ffmpeg to nginx

I'm trying to stream video file to nginx rtmp server with ffmpeg, I've posted the exact commands/configuration i've used, but i get Connection reset by peer/Broken pipe errors from ffmpeg I'm running ...
Dinamo's user avatar
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What will nginx reverse-proxy do with 'proxy_redirect' to https when a backend has invalid https certificate?

I have a strange situation with my nginx acting as reverse proxy. When my backend website is responding to a user (user's browser) request through nginx reverse-proxy, the user will obtain http ...
Mi1anovic's user avatar
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Blocking [IPaddress:8080] on nginx

I have an app working on port 8080 perfectly with the domain and now when I hit the Public IP address of the Server, I can still view the same app running using the server's ...
Desh Deepak Dhobi's user avatar
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Ignore a location segment in Ngnix to serve static files

My application generates static URLs such as: /nhub/public/static/A8Ec-8B33/css/styles.css /nhub/public/static/A8Ec-8B33/favicon.ico After an update to the app, it generates same URLs as: /nhub/...
fishfin's user avatar
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Connect to a device on another subnet using 3rd device as a proxy

I have a device with a HTTPS web portal that only has an ethernet port. However I am unable to get an ethernet cable to the where the device lives, it is however able to receive WiFi. I was planing on ...
Sam Stephenson's user avatar
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How can an inbound connection route to on my server so that the original url in the logs show and not the server IP?

Saw a connection comming in which gave a 404, but instead of showing the original URL as or https://serverip it showed How is this possible? How can I prevent ...
doer123456789's user avatar
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I cannot change my Nginx configuration no matter what I try

I'm trying to create a subdomain for hosting files and no matter what I try, autoindex doesn't do anything. I can successfully redirect "" to "", but ...
Reverent Lapwing's user avatar
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dnsmasq captive portal with ipset/nft "allowed list"

I'm playing with dnsmasq to create some kind of captive portal. Idea is: dnsmasq by default rewrite all DNS requests to local ip (address=/#/, and nginx is already setup here to ...
Bubonic Pestilence's user avatar
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Cannot reach domain via HTTPS on the same server behind a PfSense Firewall

I am hosting a platform on a server which has multiple domain names, let's say and I am running a Spring Boot backend on that server, which uses the domain ...
Jason's user avatar
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Docker certbot trouble after relocating data-root

Because of my Docker images/containers filling up my root partition, I've been trying to move the data-root directory of my Docker installation to a different location (current: /usr/lib/docker; ...
MPA's user avatar
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Running forward proxy over openvpn

Where I live, there is quite a bit of censorship on the internet, and so I hope to be able to run a proxy on my home server which passes all my internet traffic through an openvpn tunnel, such that I ...
sawntoe's user avatar
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Nginx matches wrong server_name

Under the same server there's a few configuration blocks that look like so server { server_name; listen [::]:443 ssl http2; index index.html index.htm index.nginx-debian....
mbouclas's user avatar
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Partial transfer when using Nginx

I have a problem with loading in my website through a Nginx proxy. The website is hosted on a Windows Server 2016 Datacenter server in IIS. When the loading problem happens I have the issue that for ...
Dylan D's user avatar
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Use NGINX to serve as both webhost + direct subdomain request to dockerserver:port

First, I struggled hard with the title. I've been trying back and forth, googling like mad and the resources I find are most likely way to complicated for me. But I find it so unbelievable that it's ...
Plankt0n's user avatar
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Nginx without public certificate

Is there any way that we can configure an Nginx without a public certificate? The objective here is, I want to publish an API on public internet, but all the API client (whitelisted clients) should ...
Rick Brian's user avatar
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Why doesn't this file allow me to access archie via the internet?

I'm trying to set up nginx on an RPi to act as a web server, a nextcloud server, and a reverse proxy server. Currently I'm 0 for 3 but this question is about the reverse proxy server. Here is my /...
Jon Bray's user avatar
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Trying to port forward for music server

I am from India and I am trying to host my music server (Navidrome) behind a Nginx proxy server from my Raspberry Pi. The music server works absolutely fine on LAN (have been using it for a while now)....
Aryan Kadole's user avatar
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New to self-hosting and struggling with Monica CRM Docker setup (503 Error)

As someone new to self-hosting, I embarked on what I thought would be a relatively simple project: setting up Monica CRM using Docker. However, I've encountered an unexpected challenge and am seeking ...
Xevi's user avatar
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Often getting "This site can't be reached - refused to connect" error - WordPress and Nextcloud behind SWAG reverse proxy

I've recently added a WordPress instance to my Unraid server, but now I'm often running into the error "This site can't be reached - refused to connect" when attempting to access both my ...
Ripple_049's user avatar
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php-fpm and nginx security isolation not working....or may be my understanding is not correct

I followed the following tutorial to do isolation of my two websites. Here is what I did: Created two users and then ...
Frank Martin's user avatar
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Home Assistant OS and nginx reverse proxy

I have installed official KVM installation of Home Assistant on a linux host machine. The host machine is and the KVM Home Assistant on that host machine is I wanna a ...
Bazim's user avatar
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How to get the subdomain pointing to pm2 app with Nginx on Ubuntu?

I have a hosted server that should serve both the domain and On I would like to have my meteor/pm2 application being served. I have created two configuration ...
AntonSack's user avatar
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How to serve html and php from multiple folders under the same host in nginx?

I want to serve two folders with nginx: a folder with generated html files, and a folder with static html and php scripts, take this folder structure as an example: ├─/var/www │ ├─generated │ │ ├─...
Gergő Gutyina's user avatar
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SSL certificates not being generated with Certbot for Nginx when using Docker

If I understand this correctly what you are required to do is to have a web server being hosted at a specific domain and then execute the certbot command with specific arguments. I have created a ...
Zoumath's user avatar
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How to fix "a client request body is buffered to a temporary file"?

Ia have a container running in the google cloud with a Mysql Db in the same cloud. It receives json data via an API. when the data is processed I write data in the db. About twice in 5 min I get the ...
Calamity Jane's user avatar
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Server and host in error are different nginx servers, 403 Forbidden

I have two nginx configurations. One is my CDN: server { server_name cdn.***.xyz; root /var/www/html; listen 443 ssl; # managed by Certbot ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/cdn.***....
mallusr greatv2's user avatar
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nginx reverse proxy configuration for a subdomain is reset to default randomly, on a server managed by Plesk

We have a VPS managed by Plesk. We have apache2 and Nginx installed on it. We use Nginx as a reverse proxy server for our spring-boot applications hosted on other VPS. For that, we create subdomains ...
aks's user avatar
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How to disable SSL checking on Nginx?

I have some QA server for my website. A year ago I've tried to make SSL connection to my production website so I've implemented it on the QA by nginx too. Now it's expired and I don't want to renew it ...
lingar's user avatar
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Configure nginx running locally to server the port running docker container locally

Hi this may be a noob question. I am trying to replicate a 502 bad gateway error when using nginx as a web server. I have locally running VM of Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS on which I have freshly installed ...
Curious Developer's user avatar
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Caching content from my homelab on a proxy server?

My homelab server has several services on it (personal website, Nextcloud, Jellyfin, etc..) that I access via a VPS, which uses Nginx as a reverse proxy, and tunnels traffic to/from my server at home ...
Lukas's user avatar
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Flask application running on nginx . File read from folder ok but 500 error while file save

Hello I am running nginx server on ubuntu system . file read from web app is OK . file save or file write to local folder system is getting error with 500 internal server error . root 12145 0.0 ...
Akash Tripathi's user avatar
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Using NGINX to access other systems with proxy_pass

I'm trying to get my NGINX reverse proxy to connect to 2 other systems using the the proxy_pass directive and I'm having an issue with the configuration. Here is the server block of my nginx.conf: ...
Barrie's user avatar
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NGINX responds to pings, rejects requests, times out on DNS - potential hairpining

Running Ubuntu Server v23 with NGINX and a "static" IP address (via noip). From my Server I ping the public IP and see this: Via Web Server: IP root@websrv:/etc/nginx/conf.d# ...
NOCARRIER's user avatar
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