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2 answers

Windows 10 - move ALL sub-folders and their contents up one level

I have the following: w:\encoded\mp4\movie-1 \title00.mp4 \title01.mp4 \title02.mp4 \movie-2 \...
1 vote
1 answer

Trying to replicate tar output format on windows 10

I've been managing data at my work for over 20 years and we've always used tapes written with the unix command tar. The biproduct of this is a tar table of contents that I store for reference when ...
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0 answers

Accidental deletion of the System32 files in Windows

I accidentally executed the following command in cmd with administrative privilages in my c:\windows\system32 folder: del *.* /f/q/s > nul When I realized what was happening I quickly pressed Ctrl+...
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3 answers

dualboot windows 10 and ms-dos 7.10

I'm trying to dual boot my Windows 10 which I have currently installed on drive C: with MS-DOS 7.10 which I did not have installed on drive S: labeled "doos". I went ahead and made S: a FAT32 ...
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1 answer

Corrupted Files Delete in Windows [duplicate]

I am preparing a file using shell script and while doing some tests, I added the pause> nul line into my sh file. Then I ran the sh file, but there was a file named nul on the desktop and I can't ...
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5 answers

run an old program under Win10 64 bits with parameters

I need to run in compatibility mode 2 programs for MsDos: quick basic (QBX.exe); some program called HEOB which was created in quick basic (HEOB.BAS). Normally I would create a *.bat program ...
1 vote
2 answers

Running file from batch file

I am working in Windows 10. This is my code saved in .bat file: %windir%\System32\cmd.exe "/K" C:\Users\Alex\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\Scripts\activate.bat C:\Users\Alex\AppData\Local\...
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1 answer

Why does WinSCP use a .com binary for the CLI version and an .exe binary for the GUI?

I thought .com is an ancient form for executable, leftover from early MS-DOS days? Why do they use that today in WinSCP? And why only for the CLI version? I tried asking this in their chat room, but ...
0 votes
1 answer

Can't delete folder : 'The path is too long' error [duplicate]

I'm trying to delete an entire folder in an external drive with the rd command, but i'm receiving the error below : The path E:\2017_11_10\WWW201~1\myproject\NODE_M~1\GRUNT-~4\NODE_M~1\imagemin\...
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1 answer

How to go to another network or host in Windows Command Line

Example, I have network 3 host namely RJMB , SOBRANG , GWAPO currently I am in the host RJ.. What is the specific command to go to another host?
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1 answer

Can you assign multiple drive letters to a drive, one for each partition?

By this I mean if I have two partitions on a drive, can I mount one as a separate drive letter and use the other as a boot for an os? I am not planning to dual-boot, I need a separate drive for my ...
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1 answer

*NIX getopt alike for DOS

I want to write a DOS script with multiple optional option flags. I have to parse these optional options. An example: get_resolution.bat /? get_resolution.bat /h input.jpg get_resoltion.bat /v ...
4 votes
1 answer

How do I move a series of files to a parallel folder structure in windows 10

I've a folder that has both image and video folders which I want to separate into separate folders based on the file type. I want this to be a script so that i can re run it when more files are ...
2 votes
1 answer

The screen cannot be set to the number of lines and columns specified

Whenever I try and open cmd it flashes and just closes it itself after showing the below error for a split second. The screen cannot be set to the number of lines and columns specified. Tried the ...
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1 answer

Access shared drive C: on Win 10 from MS-DOS 6.22

I need to use a shared folder on a Windows 10 Host from a MS-DOS 6.22 computer. I can map the shared folder on MS-DOS but it behaves not as expected. If I create a folder on Win10 c:\sharedfolder, I ...