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Mount a 2nd SMB Share Drive from Local Windows PC to Ubuntu 22.04.03

Today is the first day of my 38 years on this planet that I am using Linux. So please be patient with me. I have successfully followed a series of steps to mount a share folder from my Windows Desktop,...
MartyCH85's user avatar
5 votes
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Optimizing NFS share for many small files

I'm attempting to setup a file share system for a system where users are given access to ephemeral virtual machines to work on projects that read/write a large amount of small files. For example, a ...
Patrick Bell's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How to mount a public windows share in linux

This is more a Windows configuration question I think. Goal: To access Windows 10 public shares from Linux. In this context: "server" is a single simple standalone Windows 10 machine, and &...
xpt's user avatar
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Trouble using mount.cifs to mount a share drive on a local network after updating packages

Currently I have a computer running Arch linux 6.3.3-arch1-1. After running a system update with pacman -Syu about a month ago I have been unable to mount my network share drive, which is in my /etc/...
Joel Macaluso's user avatar
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Linux Connect to Windows 10 Share (SMB1 succeeds, SMB2 fails)

Problem description: Linux mounting SMB1 on a Windows 10 computer works as follows because "SMB1 Support" is enabled: mount -t cifs -o user=USER,password=USER,vers=1.0 // /...
MistaRoboto's user avatar
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Can't open a mount point folder which is within a NFS share

I have a raspberry pi. I have shared the /home/pi/ folder via NFS like this: contents of /etc/exports /home/pi *(rw,all_squash,insecure,async,no_subtree_check,anonuid=1000,anongid=1000) From ...
user11230's user avatar
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Samba share mounts as rw but non-root users can't write to it

On machine A with IP address, /etc/samba/smb.conf contains [store] path=/store writeable=yes valid_users=myusername On machine B, when I I mkdir /tmp/net/store sudo mount -t cifs -o user=...
spraff's user avatar
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How to create a mounting point to a shared drive from a linux subsystem on a Windows machine?

I have a Windows machine (Windows-10). There I've installed the Ubuntu app from Canonical Group Limited, this allows me to have a Ubuntu subsystem, which I regularly use for grep, sort and other ...
Dominique's user avatar
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Samba reports incorrect disk space when on shared mount points not directly beneath /media

I have some shares that are located on mount points like: media/ backups/ 01/ 02/ 03/ ... 01, 02, 03 and so on are different physical drives mounted at those locations for ...
autobottodoggo's user avatar
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Can't mount Samba share - "No such device or address"

I have a WiFi modem ( running a Samba 1.0 file server (SHARE) and a USB flash drive connected to it. I am trying to mount the share directory to my existing local directory /mnt/smb. Output ...
Donald C. Vargas's user avatar
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How to share a directory on a Linux machine to a Windows machine via NFS?

What are the full steps one needs to do to mount a directory from a Linux machine as a network drive on a Windows machine via NFS? Incomplete answer: Linux side: Install the NFS server and ...
Vladimir Panteleev's user avatar
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Linux to Windows, can list smb shares but cannot mount

This is a really weird one and all the research I've done so far isn't panning out. I'm trying to connect to a Windows share from CentOS 7.5.1804 to Windows Server 2008 R2 (no snickering and let's ...
MGoBlue93's user avatar
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Mount network share and merge with existing files in mount point

I have a program running on a Raspberry Pi 3 (Rasbian Jesse) that drops files in a directory called /mount-point. At bootup, I am mounting a windows share called /incoming to /mount-point. There is a ...
RealManBearPig's user avatar
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CIFS mounted W10 share dies when left idle

I'm running a Plex server in a headless HyperV Ubuntu server virtual machine. The media is stored in a Windows 10 share, mounted via CIFS. My fstab entries look like this: //<share> <...
rxj's user avatar
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Share mounted samba share in another share

I have a directory that is shared via samba. Now I mount a share on another computer to a directory that is inside this share. The problem is that this mounted share appears as empty directory when ...
user579825's user avatar
14 votes
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Samba - Create Subdirectory Shares with their own permissions

I have a Samba share containing many folders like this: share - folderA - folderB - folderC - folderD There are around 20 users accessing those shares. Every user can have their individual ...
soner's user avatar
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Automatically mount external hard drive into Samba share

I have setup my Raspberry Pi home server, one short-coming is if I unplug 1 of my external hard drives, use it, and plug it back in to the Pi, this drive is not recognized/readable, it returns an ...
CybeX's user avatar
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How to mount a public windows 8.1 share in linux

I have a folder shared on a windows 8.1 machine. It is shared with "Everyone" and "Everyone" has "read/write" access. In the security tab of the properties dialog of the folder, again "Everyone" has ...
sirlark's user avatar
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Waiting for other pc to come up before mounting samba share

I am mounting a samba share via /etc/fstab. My problem is, if they are shutdown and I start them the machine who mounts the share is up first, and therefore the share is not yet available. Is there a ...
user2071938's user avatar
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Mount shares as regular user in Linux Mint 17.1?

All the shares fstab tries to mount show up in the navigation panel in Nemo for me. If for whatever reason a share didn’t get mounted at startup, clicking on it tries to mount it for me. Except that ...
leetwanker's user avatar
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Mount Command Yes, Fstab No

Ubuntu Server 14.04 When I execute this command the share is mounted! sudo mount -t cifs //localhost/share /media/sharemount -o port=5454,username="",password="" However when I try to mount ...
Benjamin Jones's user avatar
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Linux to linux mount

Trying to mount a samba shared directory of a linux(SUSE) server to another linux(SUSE) server on the same network. My scenarion is like below.. on server-1 samba is configure like below and i can ...
Suvasish Sarker's user avatar
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Auto mount domain shares based on domain user groups

We are currently working getting some Linux computers integrated into our Active Directory domain at work. I have pretty much gotten everything set up but I am trying to figure out how to get Linux to ...
Julie's user avatar
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Permission denied while mounting samba cifs share on linux

I have a samba server set up on a Linux computer that uses winbind on an AD domain. Everything seems to be working but I haven't been able to mount a samba share on another machine. Right now, I would ...
Marty's user avatar
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mounting share in fstab error

I've been successfully able to mount a share on my Ubuntu Server using this command: sudo mount -t cifs //IPTOSHARE/DriveLetter$/Folder/"Folder Space" /mnt/Folder/"Folder Space" -o username="",...
Benjamin Jones's user avatar
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Mount Windows share on Linux boot

I'm running VirtualBox in Windows. I have Ubuntu Linux 10.04 installed as a VM. Whenever I log in I have to run to following command to mount my shared Windows web dev folder: sudo mount.vboxsf ...
Delameko's user avatar
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22 votes
8 answers

How to access a network folder in Ubuntu using the terminal

I am new to Ubuntu(and Linux for that matter) and I am trying to access files using the terminal. The network folder is on my Desktop, but when I go to the Desktop folder via the terminal, the ...
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5 votes
5 answers

Map ftp servers as network drives in Ubuntu Linux

I'm a new Linux user, just switched over from Windows. I've got a couple FTP servers I connect to on a regular basis through sftp. I was wondering if there was a way to, as we say in windows, map them ...
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