I'm running a Plex server in a headless HyperV Ubuntu server virtual machine. The media is stored in a Windows 10 share, mounted via CIFS. My fstab entries look like this:

//<share> <mountpoint> cifs uid=<myuid>, credentials=<credentials>, iocharset=utf8, sec=ntlm 0 0

I've been using this setup for a couple of months now with no problems. Suddenly, the mounted shares started to throw errors when left idle. For example I can stream media for two hours straight, no problem, but once I leave the server idle for a couple of minutes the mounts stop responding. The only thing that fixes the problem is rebooting the virtual machine or a force umount and a mount -a.

the error I get: CIFS VFS: Error -104 sending data on socket to server

1 Answer 1


I ended up periodically touching a file on the mounted share, as described in this relevant ServerFault question.

This is a workaround, not a solution.


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