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Questions tagged [microsoft-excel]

A spreadsheet application by Microsoft. Use this tag along with [vba] if your question involves programming Excel in VBA, and with [worksheet-function] if it involves an Excel formula or worksheet function. Also add the the specific version tag (e.g. [microsoft-excel-2019] or [microsoft-excel-365]) as features and functions may vary between them.

8,888 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
-2 votes
2 answers

How to create new columns from data in column A in Excel

I have an excel sheet where all the data is in column A. I want to make separate columns from every 9 cells Move cells to columns Is VBA the best way to do this?
Bill's user avatar
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2 answers

Using INDEX/MATCH to return a value from a set of tables

I'm having a hard time writing an INDEX/MATCH formula. I need the formula to look through multiple rows to find the one that matches my lookup value. I have multiple headers for different months. The ...
Jose Cortez's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Quick VBA syntax

I need to solve this task by adding a VBA syntax for the following: In Column A I have random numbers between 1 and 7. On Column B I need to insert "a day" for rows equal to 1 and "...
Andon Key's user avatar
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1 answer

Excel: How to have a cell change color when it has the same value as another cell?

I have used conditional formatting to change a row's color for specific values of another cell before but now I want it to change color when the value of a cell is equal to the one next which all have ...
Soner Deniz Ersoy's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Excel radian or degrees?

I’m not sure whether excel requires inputs into cos() in Degrees or Radians please? For example: for cos(x) where x=1,2,… degrees, should I convert to radians first please or?
Matthew's user avatar
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1 answer

How to find running balance Month over Month with fixed PMT Values

Please Help. On a Workbook for tuition PTMs from Jan. to Dec., how to calculate outstanding balance so that February balance will be the result of Ending balance of January, Minus amount paid in ...
Gaspar Silva's user avatar
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Finding the year in another table in Excel when the value isn't the same

I have two tables. I would like to get the data from Blue to the Orange table with following steps: The first column of Orange table has both positive and negative values as percentage, and I need to ...
SIMONA's user avatar
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Find specific value in a range then hide all rows below it vba

I have a table with headers starting at cell B4 to N4. Cell B4 says hours and below it - from cell B5 to B28 - I have hours from 1AM to 12AM. Based on cell AF2's value, all the rows below that cell ...
Jazz H's user avatar
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Cross Referencing Assistance?

So I am tasked with finding and noting the part numbers from one sheet, that includes a list of data of all part numbers of the company, and add them into or just make note that the part numbers is ...
pnjapa's user avatar
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How to calculate time missing

Heres the deal need attendance report that automatically emails if a person reaches so many hours absent in Excel. I have VBA script that will email if a value is met. I can't figure out a formula ...
Christopher T's user avatar
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How to find the formula for exponential growth in excel?

I am working on this. Can anyone please help me?
cow.'s user avatar
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Excel: Count if values match

I basically have two predetermined worksheets with data in a format I can't modify the way it populates. On one sheet "SSP" I want to check row I against row E on a different sheet "YMS" to check for ...
Mathew Bauler's user avatar
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How to sort Wk no-Year(02-2018, 03-2019, 04-2018..) using macro?

I want to sort the week number and year in pivot table. I tried to sort with pivot table and it is not properly sorting. Can anyone help how to sort with the help of macro or any other method.
user864741's user avatar
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Concatenate Multiple Cells with different data types

I need to concatenate three cells on two sheets into one cell. On Sheet 1 I have Cell A1 with value PERFECT. On Sheet 2 I have Cell A1 with date JAN-2016. On Sheet 2 I have Cell B2 with value JAN-...
EHSAN AFZAL's user avatar
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How to create Excel chart that shows how many times specified dates appear in a date range?

Lets say that I have such data: 2014-05-26 2014-07-02 2014-11-06 2014-11-06 2015-01-08 2015-06-06 Basically what I want is an Excel chart where on horizontal axis there would be a date range ...
Excel2010Question's user avatar
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2 answers

Using the syntax IF THEN ELSE, to calculate Tax charge

1) If the total amount to be subjected to tax is 30,000.00 2) The first 2,200.00 to 3,000.00 is taxed at 25%. 3) The second 3,000.01 to 5,900.00 is taxed at 30% 4) The remaining amount is taxed at 35% ...
kabwe. funga's user avatar
-3 votes
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How to consolidate data from multiple Excel rows all into one row

I have a list of IDs and corresponding variables. Since I have the same IDs listed in multiple rows in my ID column (e.g. ID 37 in A1, A2, and A3), I want to have one row per ID in the column (ID only ...
mymy's user avatar
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Excel Formulas to Determine Discounts

I need to determine if a discount should be applied. If the payment method was Express Miles or Rewards, the discount is received. If no discount should be applied the formula should return a zero. I ...
Beth's user avatar
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Excel - IF formula for multiple cells

I have 5 cells with either 1, 0 and -1 values. I want to build a formula that allows me to have, for example, a 0 or a -1 if any of those 5 cells are a 0 or a -1. Can you please help? Thanks.
Teresa's user avatar
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What could be the formula in excel for ni<N/2<nj

See the following set of data 0 0 0 3 5 6 8 And N/2 is 4. Anyone help me how to use formula in excel if I wants to get the lower value from the above range than 4 (ni) that will be 3 and upper value ...
Farhan Khalid's user avatar
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Vlookup formula returning multipal columns of data from 2nd tab/sheet

Looking for some help with formula to match value in sheet 2 column A to column A sheet 1 and return the matching value from sheet 1 along with the 13 cells in the same row to the right of the ...
Mike Simmons's user avatar
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Macro to Copy/Paste rows into new worksheet depending on criteria

I have a list of names and data with the following headings: Year Forename Surname DOB Gender UPN The data variable is in that there are 7 years (Year 1-Year 7) in column 1 (A) I would like ...
Deanooo's user avatar
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How to sort cell phone numbers by carrier in excel?

Please help, I've been trying to figure out how to sort cell phone numbers by carrier. For example, the cell contains 9132345434 and if the first three digits are 913, 932 or 917, it will say in ...
Maria's user avatar
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Subtraction of time formats in Excel

I want to calculate the difference between hours. I tried using the formula mentioned above which uses the ABS function with the TEXT function and the IF function, but that didn't work. I also tried ...
md umair hanfi's user avatar
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3 answers

How to Change any quantity greater than 0 to Yes in excel

How would I change any cell in a work sheet with a quantity greater than 0 to the word "YES"
NJT's user avatar
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need vba code to delete all the code after executing all the code

I need a vba code in Excel 2007 which will remove all the vba code after executing all the function. I am drawing an example here: Option Explicit Private Sub Workbook_Open() 'Runs a macro 10 seconds ...
Milton's user avatar
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listing by one particuluar column in excel for mail merging

I would like to list all of the same students with their courses. My example School Teacher Course ID LastName 705 KELLEY AP PSYCHOLOGY 1245 AARON ...
pmbradley's user avatar
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AVERAGE function not working

I Have two columns containing dates. I used this formula to find how many days there were in between the dates: =DATEDIF(J7,K7,"md") &"" This produces the number of days without putting the ...
Jrygz's user avatar
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Where can I find web databases for my big data project?

I started a new course at Microsoft to learn more about working with Azure, Visual Studio, SQL and Excel and I want to have a few sites I can use to pull the data from. It helps if the site keeps the ...
Ricardo Penders's user avatar
-4 votes
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amount calculation in excel

I have a payment amount of 2628.46. This payment should be used to pay off, in turn, three components listed in columns BZ, CA and CB. So, first I subtract the April Principal from the May payment. If ...
Kodion Kodion's user avatar
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Creating formula in Excel

Can anyone help with formula that i am working. I have active list on sheet1 that i am constantly updating. I would like to create another list of specific name from that list in sheet2. Right now, ...
Marko's user avatar
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1 answer

How to sum in Excel with month logic?

Mentione in the picture, I have 2 Excel sheets, Sheet 1 with ID Q1 and Z1, and NAME in column and month in rows. And in Sheet 2, I have ID Q1 and Z1 with the amount in month column. My requirement ...
safwan's user avatar
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1 answer

Based on input value, place an associated object in another cell

I have a collection of predefined input codes. When an input code is entered in an input cell, I want to automatically post an associated object in an output cell. For example, using the code table ...
Superstar's user avatar
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My if function is not working

I have thousands of lines with duplicate codes, I need to keep the codes with the T modifier only. =IF(B6146="blank",delete,IF(B6146="T",keep)) Code ID Modifier Description 70002 ...
Marvi's user avatar
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1 answer

I want to apply conditional formatting on cell based on date and then want to sum the values

I want that value of cell changes with specific date and then want to add up those values to calculate month to date value. Ex - Like if A1 = 26.05.2018 and B1 = 10 Then I want to apply conditional ...
Priyesh Shrivastava's user avatar
-5 votes
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Excel: How to reference every cell in array in spreadsheet based on upper left most cell primary key?

I have two excel spreadsheets. One spreadsheet contains hundreds of 10 row, 2 column "mini-spreadsheets" that each have a unique identifier in the upper left most cell. On my second ...
Matthew B's user avatar
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2 answers

How can this VBA be adjusted

As per your request The original post is here How do I hide rows based on a cell value I have received the VBA below from Ted D, following a question I posted here. Unfortunately it is not working ...
Carla's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I convert a .csv file to a database?

I have an 8GB .csv file with 6 columns and 202,176,000 rows. How would I convert that to an OpenOffice database(.db) file?
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