
I basically have two predetermined worksheets with data in a format I can't modify the way it populates.

On one sheet "SSP" I want to check row I against row E on a different sheet "YMS" to check for the same string of numbers and letters

I just need to check for duplicates between the two sheets and total them so I can subtract them from another formula so the values aren't double-counted.

Another issue is that the values aren't exact. For instance the one cell on "SSP" will say "AZNG V210354 !" whereas the other sheet will have a cell that just says "v210354" so I'll probably need wildcards incorporated. Also, I don't want it to count any blanks as matches.

Hopefully that's not confusing.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

***TO SUMMARIZE, I want the formula to check column A of sheet "YMS" for a specific value "MSP1", when found, check row E in that same row against row I on sheet "SSP" to find a match and count it, allowing wildcards preceding and following.

  • You should try to explain this much more clearly. See how to ask a good question. Commented Apr 25, 2018 at 20:27

1 Answer 1


basic INDEX & MATCH logic will work for you. The logic is that the MATCH pinpoints the coordinate(row number) and the INDEX gets the value. Do not forget to update ranges and specific value in formula:

=INDEX(SSP!E2:E1000,MATCH(<specific value>,YMS!E2:E1000,0),1)
  • Admittedly this question is not very clear, but read the last paragraph. There are two lookups required. Also, you have completely ignored OP's request for using wildcards. If you would like to contribute here, please read the questions carefully. Thanks. Commented Apr 25, 2018 at 15:57

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