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Questions tagged [microsoft-defender]

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Is there something I can do to encourage MicroSoft Defender to get additional intelligence when scanning? ie Defender Event ID 2010

Is it possible to safely make Defender want to download extra definitions during a scan? Reason for asking:- I am looking for a pattern or possible cause of strange behaviour. A Windows 10 PC no ...
Eric's user avatar
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Sandboxing features in Windows 11 Enterprise all fail to launch

I work in IT, and often need a sandbox environment to check security issues in. Historically I have done this using Windows Sandbox or MS Edge Defender App Guard, but on my new PC neither seem to be ...
Chris's user avatar
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What is the meaning of the MTB suffix according to Microsoft malware naming scheme?

Microsoft uses the CARO naming scheme for malware identification. The suffix part (name's right-most part after the ! separator) is supposed to be dedicated to "vendor-specific" comments [1]....
tumasgiu's user avatar
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How to test path exclusions in Defender

Listing Defender Path exclusions ((Get-MpPreference).ExclusionPath), there is quite long list. Some paths contain wildcard and/or environment variables. There might be configured also file extensions ...
eXavier's user avatar
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File context menu contains Windows Defender, not Microsoft Defender

When I right-click on a file in the Windows Explorer to perform an on-demand scan of a single file, the context menu (shown below) presents me with Windows Defender, not Microsoft Defender. My ...
user2153235's user avatar
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Will Windows Defender full scan adversely affect a failing hard disc?

A monthly anti-malware full scan was run on this pc using Windows Defender (-aka- Windows Security) as routine, but not this month. Will running a full scan from Windows Defender adversely affect the ...
xypha's user avatar
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Why has Windows Defender started removing shortcuts on 13 January 2023?

All of a sudden, Windows Defender has removed loads of shortcuts (.lnk files) from our Windows 10 and 11 computers. Dozens of computers affected. Shortcuts have disappeared from both the desktop ...
Matty Brown's user avatar
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Is Healthy.exe a virus? [duplicate]

Recently we were alerted by an incident on Microsoft Defender titled "Multi-stage incident involving Execution & Discovery on one endpoint" and amongst the commands that ran was a ...
Cataster's user avatar
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Disable Windows Defender in Windows 11

How to disable Windows Defender in Windows 11 (Professional) (i.e. prevent Antimaleware Service Executable to spin up my (completely disconnected) Laptop's fans)? The top answer of Disable Windows ...
jan-glx's user avatar
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Microsoft Defender web filtering on MacOS

I would like to find out what policies were deployed to my private Mac that I enrolled under Intune in order to read work email. The Microsoft Content Filter is running under network properties - I ...
TomEus's user avatar
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