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Questions tagged [matplotlib]

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Jupyter Kernel Dies when Attempting Plot with large set of data

I have a numpy array res. res[0] contains x values and res[1] contains y values. There is in total 1000000 points. I am trying to plot it using matplotlib; however, after running the plot, it tells me ...
Junjiro's user avatar
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ffmpeg command, what is the "best" config to re-encode video Youtube?

Let's say we have a video generated with matplotlib.animation with the code below (while can't figure how to have the mp4 file with HD 1080p, but we can re-encode with Final cut pro HD 1080p) Writer =...
user95432's user avatar
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Want to have further segment from another pie chart

I hope the picture is self-explanatory. I have already a pie chart I have to have a further segment in the chart but it has to keep the previous parent segment intact. I have tried this in Excel and ...
Protima Rani Paul's user avatar
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Python, Eclipse or Windows 10 won't recognize matplotlib

I'm using Eclipse on Windows 10. I would like to make a function plotter so I started a program as import tkinter from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import ( FigureCanvasTkAgg, ...
user1300706's user avatar
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Installing Matplotlib on Windows 10 machines

I am trying to install Matplotlib on my Windows 10 64-bit computer using Python's pip installer. Any advice would be appreciated. When I try I get the following extensive error return that I do not ...
Todd Huffman's user avatar
4 votes
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Can't install anything on pip

Everytime I try to install anything on pip it ends with following error message. The package setup script has attempted to modify files on your system that are not within the EasyInstall build area, ...
Fabian Bachl's user avatar
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Installing Basemap for python

Trying to install basemap via this website Basemap Matplotlib Toolkit I have followed everything they say until this part of the installation: if libgeos_c is in /usr/local/lib and geos_c.h is in /...
student programmer's user avatar
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it receive the following error when use matplotlib

MathTextWarning: Font 'default' does not have a glyph for '-' [U+2212], substituting with a dummy symbol. MathTextWarning)
Scheng.xiang's user avatar
5 votes
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_tkinter.TclError: couldn't connect to display "localhost:0.0" matplotlib bash on windows

Insipired by the problems with displaying matplotlib used in a Python script using the terminal of the Bash (Ubuntu) on Windows, I have followed the instructions listed in the first answer. However, ...
fgh's user avatar
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Matplotlib - Basemap Installation Error

Installed basemap via pip pip3 install --user git+ from mpl_tooklits.basemap import Basemap I get the error module 'pyproj' has no attribute 'pyproj_datadir'...
Andre Fu's user avatar
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What's the cause of this strange crash behavior related to Python, Anaconda, Matplotlib, MKL, & Jupyter?

We're pretty stumped on this crash issue as we don't get any tracebacks or other messages about what's actually wrong so it's been tough to debug. Anyhow, here goes. We have a workstation for ...
Alex P's user avatar
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Jupyter Kernel Dies when Attempting a Simple Plot (Python)

My Jupyter Notebook cannot even draw a simple plot anymore. Until yesterday, it could plot all kinds of plots of matplotlib and seaborn. It is not a memory error because there are 1.6 GB available. ...
Γεώργιος Κύμινος's user avatar
14 votes
6 answers

Error when updating conda packages: RemoveError: 'setuptools' is a dependency of conda

I needed to update the matplotlib when I encountered the following error: conda update matplotlib Collecting package metadata: done Solving environment: done ## Package Plan ## environment ...
Amuoeba's user avatar
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Pip not included in Python3.6 on CentOS 7?

When running which python3.6, I get /usr/bin/python3.6. But when I try python3.6 -mpip install matplotlib, it says /usr/bin/python3.6: No module named pip. I was informed that pip SHOULD be ...
Mr.Mips's user avatar
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How to remove the bland space to the left of ylabel in Matlab figure when using long string for ylabel?

I'm doing some plots in Matlab 2014b, in one them I'm plotting 5 variables versus time over there and want to specify 5 names like, speed (rad/sec), voltage (V), ... etc. on the y-label, however, as ...
AlFagera's user avatar
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