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8 votes
4 answers

Redirecting command output in docker

I want to do some simple logging for my server which is a small Flask app running in a Docker container. Here is the Dockerfile # Dockerfile FROM dreen/flask MAINTAINER dreen WORKDIR /srv # Get ...
Dreen's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

I accidentally typed password into console's "login:" prompt

I accidentally typed my password into the console's "login:" prompt. Is there any place where the password history could have been saved? I am running Linux 3.13.0-71-generic, Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS. ...
toliveira's user avatar
  • 153
0 votes
0 answers

Automate the tar on file creation

I need to tar the log files automatically when its get created with date (eg., error.log-20151116). How should i automate this activity. I don't want to perform this action by log rotation.
Ravichandran's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How do I run Logstalgia if root login is disabled and ssh user doesn't have access to logs?

I'm trying to run Logstalgia, I think it's pretty awesome, and want to try it out. For security reasons I've disabled root login from my servers. My current user doesn't have access to the log files ...
trueCamelType's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

rsyslog.conf: kern.err /dev/console. Where do these messages go?

There is a commented line in rsyslog.conf: #kern.* /dev/console If I add this line to the configuration file: kern.notice /dev/console Where do these messages go? If I run this ...
Sunshine's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Is it safe to remove “.journal” files in CentOS?

First of all I’m a Linux noob, I just know the basics. I have a VPS running a TeamSpeak 3 server, but I’m slowly running out of space as you can see here: The TeamSpeak 3 server itself doesn’t make ...
bruxo00's user avatar
  • 33
1 vote
0 answers

Evidence of Linux reinstallation

I know that the results of a system installation appear in /var/log/anaconda.log, however I am curious if this log will show any additional installations. For example, if I have an existing Linux ...
erik's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Why don't I see new apache2 access log messages for a (wsgi) request?

This week I installed a simple Ubuntu 14.04 server on which I host a new website (which I built with Flask). The website works fine without any problems. I now wanted to check out the access log, in ...
kramer65's user avatar
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1 answer

Capturing all messages that are directed to console in linux

Is there a way how we can capture all the console messages to a file that are coming from different applications in linux.
Reddy's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Multitail: how to view whole file?

I have a big log file (10000 lines). When I open it with multital only last ~100 lines are loaded, so I can't scroll back and view another preexisting lines. Doesn't work because affect only on new ...
Nelson Tatius's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Logrotating all logs in a directory causes date duplication

I have a logrotate config that looks like this: /var/log/update-job/*.log { daily rotate 7 compress delaycompress size 0k missingok copytruncate notifempty dateext ...
FrontierPsycho's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Plot the data collected by sar in ASCII

isag in an "Interactive System Activity Grapher" that "displays the system activity data stored in a binary data file by a previous sar". How do I view the data stored by sar in ASCII on a Linux ...
rubo77's user avatar
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19 votes
4 answers

Linux command line log viewer which allows auto tail AND searching?

I use tail -f in my Linux shell, to view log files, as I like how it auto-updates with the incoming text: I like to see the new stuff come scrolling in. However, I also like the search functionality ...
Max Williams's user avatar
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1 answer

Finding who initiated command from a log?

I saw in log that someone initiated shutdown of our Odoo server. But that was not me and no one else has access to do it except our linux server provider, but it would be strange if they would ...
Andrius's user avatar
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1 answer

Log Usage of Particular Programs

I'd like to be able to log the usage of certain programs on Linux systems. As an example, I'd like to know who's FTP'ing files out of the system or placing files in the FTP dropbox, and if possible ...
SixDegrees's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How can I use ausearch to log the IP of a user when they modify a file over SSH?

My team logs in on a development server using the same root password; we have not set up separate user accounts. I am now trying to create a log of file changes and I want to distinguish between ...
Guybrush Threepwood's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to run logrotate as a local user?

I'm trying to manage logs which are generated by local scripts. These logs are nothing but stdout and stderr redirected to local files. I don't have root access and trying to run logrotate as a ...
Rnet's user avatar
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1 answer

Logrotate error: No file found

One of our servers has a recurring error message for Logrotate. /etc/cron.daily/logrotate: ERROR No file found for /usr/local/Zend/apache2/logs/error_log Log rotation is working normally for the ...
SPRBRN's user avatar
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How Can I clear server log file to reduce memory?

I want to clear the server logs in Linux without having to restart server, so that I dont get Out of Memory issue. I heard that > filename would do that but that contents are stored to some other ...
Karthik BM's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Which tools can log system resources usages in Windows/Linux? [closed]

I need a tool can log at least a few things like this: CPU load: (min/max/average) RAM load: (min/max/average) Storage size: (max/is used) Storage/folder growth size. AFAIK, Linux shell can help ...
Tiana987642's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

make particular service logs to be written in separate file in syslog.conf

One of the service is writting logs by default in /var/log/messages file. I want that service logs to be written other file. Logs in /var/log/messages files are being dislpalyed as below. Nov 20 ...
KumarJohn's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Log every operation of root user (and sudoers)

I want to log every operation of root on my server. This is useful for debugging, or for setting up another identical server, and so on. I am searching for a solution for either centos or debian. ...
masgo's user avatar
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1 answer

Delete logs after consumption: logstash

I have logstash watching a directory on the host. Every time it sees a log that matches the path I specified in the logstash config it starts to import the data into my elasticsearch cluster. Does ...
k to the z's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to append %fromhost-ip% variable to every log line in rsyslog for remote host logs?

I use rsyslog variables to compose log filenames. Variables %HOSTNAME% and %fromhost-ip%. Everything is OK, but the question is: How can I append/prepend these variables to every log line for logs ...
dimovnike's user avatar
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1 answer

Clarification about logging

For some time, I've been confused about computer message logging. As the article on Wikipedia said, Syslog is a standard for computer message logging. So are there any other standars beside syslog? ...
mau5's user avatar
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1 answer

iptables - I'm losing control over the box by adding new rule to the config

My set up is the following: Internet uplink (200Mbit) DMZ (1GB ethernet) Internal network (1gb internet) Log interface My gateway is serving around 600 clients with 1400 iptables rules in place. ...
dan dan's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

System clock seems fine, logs timestamp however are not

Managing remotely my VPS, I wanted the logs and everything written in my timezone so I could read easily when something happened. So I changed the timezone and now "date" command and such returns my ...
Neithan Max's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

No kernel messages are logged to kern.log

I am trying to configure rsyslog. Ultimately, I want to have a log file of dropped packets but I can't get rsyslog to log properly. /etc/rsyslog.conf looks like this: # /etc/rsyslog.conf ...
cskwrd's user avatar
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1 answer

Access denied error with svlogd

I've setup a debian wheezy server and I'm using runit to keep my services humming along. I've also configured svlogd, but that's where I'm getting problems. When the services start I run "ps aux" and ...
jwesonga's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Wireless Card Dumping Lots of Log Messages (13GiB+ over a few hours)

My USB wifi adapter (TL-WN822N running on Fedora 20 with the ath9k_htc adapter) seems to be working fine but is dumping similar debugging messages multiple times per second. The messages are so large ...
Dylan's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

logrotate unable to rotate logs, getting "No such file error"

logrotate is unable to rotate my logs. I have checked the file permissions, they are fine. I have even tried by putting "su root root" in the configuration file, still I am facing the same issue. ...
Sandeep Singh's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

LogRotate Custom Script Logs Breaks Script?

I have a daemon script I made that always runs in the background. It's setup to pipe stdout and stderr to some log files as such: python27 1>>/var/log/etl/etl_stdout.log 2>>/...
user57322's user avatar
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1 answer

Capture output from quickly rotating log

I am dealing with a misbehaving third-party program, the vendor of which seems happy to help if I can provide them with the debug log. They told me how to turn debug logging on and off, however ...
Aleks G's user avatar
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3 answers

Check which string occurs first in a growing file

I'm running a remote executable which produces a logfile. I want to write a script to check whether the executable is run successfully or encounters an error. The way I can do this is by looking at ...
Eddy's user avatar
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Limiting messages in Centos log file

I have a Centos 6.4 server. I wish to view httpd and PHP errors in /var/log/messages. The log shows a bunch of kernel messages which I don't want to view. How can I either configure syslog to not ...
user1032531's user avatar
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Is a Logging Facility similar to types of Windows Logs?

I'm learning about Linux (Debian/CentOS) for my Jr. System Administrator position. In my current module, it's going over Logging, and Logging facilities to be exact. I'm trying to get a grasp on what ...
Aaron Tracy's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Start Linux process/script via web interface

I have a bunch of Java programs/shellscripts that needs to be manually started every now and then (mostly in the mornings), and stopped every evening (same there). I would like a possibility to start ...
Peter Andersson's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

sFTP process ids explained?

Could someone explain to me the process that sftp makes when creating a connection and transferring data, on a control/data level? I know the basics about the ssh authentication and such, but for ...
user2208986's user avatar
1 vote
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Cant install Half-life 2 on Ubuntu 14.04

Today I tried to install Half-Life 2 on linux but errors occured. This is error log: This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_EXT_framebuffer_object. This system supports the OpenGL extension ...
Mr. Robot's user avatar
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14 votes
7 answers

Piping tail -f into awk

I am trying to pipe tail -f into awk to monitor a logfile in realtime, but according to examples, there should be not problem but I can't get it to work. here is the command I'm running tail -f ...
gimpycpu's user avatar
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3 answers

Grep for block surrounding an error message

I want to grep for the block of logs around a particular error message. Say I know my log looks like this: [----] I, [2014-04-10T19:12:36.294512 #1910:e93004] INFO -- : Started GET "/ems_infra/new" ...
CHK's user avatar
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2 answers

How to read a 51gb log file?

Well, it seems something went horrible wrong and now I do have a log file with a size larger than 51gb. Are there any (linux) tools that can read/open files of that size? I want to read the log file.
Lucas's user avatar
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3 votes
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Setting up an IRC server with persistent chat history and timestamps on Raspbian?

I have bought a Raspberry Pi which I intend to use as a 24/7 IRC server, probably using IRCD-Hybrid. Ideally, this server would have a persistent chat history (where new people joining the channel(s?) ...
mickdekkers's user avatar
1 vote
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Linux SNMP logger software

I have an application running on an old version of Linux using snmpwalk to read data from an instrument. I am experiencing some problems with this instrument. Every once in a while I seem to get a ...
user1728363's user avatar
1 vote
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Logcheck: Any Shortcuts to Squelching The Spew?

I have logcheck running on my server, and it constantly e-mails me reams of warnings. I go through and manually add the regular expressions, but it's getting tiresome quickly, and worse: I'm starting ...
Eddie Parker's user avatar
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Is there a tool like `cronolog` or `rotatelogs`, but also with compression and removal like in `logrotate`?

I want simple piped logging without config files or system-wide rules for periodic command execution. Are there any projects that allows to do that? Expecting something like this: ./...
Vi.'s user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How can I log all my command-line activity?

I just had a Heisenbug that completely disappeared on me. I'm convinced that something funny must have happened when I compiled my program several days or a week ago. But sadly, my Windows (MINGW) ...
luser droog's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Why will dmesg have message from user space?

you can use dmesg -u to see log from userspace. In my case, I have log from systemd and lvm. Why is this happening, why userspace program can print to kernel buffer ring?
dspjm's user avatar
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Logrotate says "log needs rotating" and then does nothing

I have the following logrotate configuration, and a 2 GB /var/log/messages: /var/log/messages /var/log/secure /var/log/maillog /var/log/spooler /var/log/boot.log /var/log/cron /var/log/network { ...
Howard's user avatar
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How to make logkeys work over SSH?

i'd like to use logkeys to log keystrokes on an SSH'able Linux box. Logkeys intercepts a Device, can this be used for SSH access? Does an SSH session use a Device? or does SSH bypass this level of ...
user2846226's user avatar

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