I'm running a remote executable which produces a logfile.

I want to write a script to check whether the executable is run successfully or encounters an error. The way I can do this is by looking at the growing log file and seeing if the string "error" or "success" occurs first.

I know I can grep a file in realtime using

tail -f output.log | grep --line-buffered "string"

However, can I write a script which will tell me whether the grep for "error" or the grep for "success" occurs first?

3 Answers 3


Search for both strings using grep, extract the line numbers of the first match, and compare the values.

  • grep option -n gives the line number of any matches.
  • option -m1 lists only the first match then exits.
  • incidentally option -F fast grep - may be useful if no regular expressions are required in the search string.

An example output from the error grep will look something like - the line number 235 is to be extracted from the output.

235:[Wed Jun 04 12:23:19 2014] [error] child pid 6575 Segmentation fault (11)

The line numbers can be extracted by deleting the longest substring match %%:.* from the output to leave the numeric values which are compared in the if statement.

er_match=$(tail -f output.log | grep -n -F -m1 --line-buffered "error")
ok_match=$(tail -f output.log | grep -n -F -m1 --line-buffered "success")

if [[ ${er_match%%:.*} - gt ${ok_match%%:.*} ]];then
    echo "error first"
    echo "sucess first"

You can do this by only looking at the first result returned by grep, for example with head -n1:

status=$(grep -o 'success\|error' output.log | head -n1)
if [[ $status == "success" ]]; then
    # Program started successfully
    # Program encountered an error
  • Thanks, but I need something that will constantly check the file for "success" or "error" and return which one occurs first (in time)
    – Eddy
    Commented Jun 11, 2014 at 11:39
  • @Eddy: I know too little about output.log to give a better answer. Can you provide more information? For example: How frequently do error and success occur? Do you have any control over when the program is run?
    – Thor
    Commented Jun 11, 2014 at 11:58

If you use egrep you can check for either string on each line:

egrep 'success|failure'

This will bring out the lines in order, and you can pipe the output to something to select the first line.

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