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Questions tagged [libx264]

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How to enable libx264 in ffmpeg in openwrt

when I run 'ffmpeg -encoders=libx264', it shows: Unknown encoder 'libx264' I have installed 'ffmpeg' on Openwrt. How i can enable this. Please guide me
Sajid Ehsan's user avatar
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FFMpeg Segment MP4 Negative Audio PTS

I'm trying to split an mp4 file into segments and each segment should start with near to zero a/v pts. I'm also re-encoding the mp4 file for different bitrates. This is the command I used; ffmpeg -i &...
user3533414's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

What is the different of h264 and libx264

I notice there is argument available for --enable-encoder=h264,libx264 suppose I am converting the video looselessly Which one default ffmpeg will use? h264 or libx264? And how about the quality ...
Med Lexo's user avatar
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height not divisible by 2 (176x99)

I am trying to convert a .avi file into a .mp4 one using FFMPEG using the libx264 codec. This is the command I am running: ffmpeg -i filename.avi -c:v libx264 -crf 19 -strict experimental ...
Chandan Kumar's user avatar
3 votes
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ffmpeg WebM to MP4: awful video quality

I'm trying to convert a WebM video coming from a webcam to an MP4 x264 format. I tried to use this ffmpeg command: ffmpeg -stats -nostdin -y -flags global_header -i "/home/Foto/incoming-video/2017-05-...
liv913's user avatar
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ffmpeg settings for high quality youtube videos

I am trying to record short video of my desktop and upload it to youtube. The problem is that every time when I upload it to youtube or even dropbox (as video), the quality is much worse. My ffmpeg ...
pb.'s user avatar
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FFMPeg + x264 install. Pthreads not workng? "libpthread.a" errors

Nothing I've tried so far works. x264 is already installed. OpenSSL and FDKaac are also installed. Configure line for FFMPeg: PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$HOME/ffmpeg/lib/pkgconfig" ./configure --prefix="$...
supredoe's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

"height not divisible by 2" with "min"

Using this command: ffmpeg -loop 1 -r 1 -i q.jpg -t 5 -pix_fmt yuv420p -vf 'scale=-2:min(1080\,ih)' z.mp4 I get this message: [libx264 @ 00000000004d0ec0] height not divisible by 2 (954x953) I can ...
Zombo's user avatar
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ffmpeg libx264 optimization

Suppose I have a computer with 16 cores and a large number of videos to convert (say 100) What is the optimal number of videos to convert at one time? eg: 16 cores per video, 1 file at a time 8 ...
aCuria's user avatar
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