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Questions tagged [http-status-code-500]

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RewriteEngine gives error 500 internal server error for 404 pages - apache2

I wanted to replace the .html extensions with just nothing in apache. Eg. DNS/coffee.html to be DNS/coffee. I found myself this code. <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine on ...
TheRealOne78's user avatar
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500 Internal Server Error when run perl file and no access to command line

I'm a newbie with Perl. I've created a simple file with the code: #!/usr/bin/perl print 'test'; uploaded it to my shared hosting with Linux where PERL is enabled and changed my PERL file ...
sprsr's user avatar
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500 error when trying to push to GitLab with Active Directory authentication

We currently use SubVersion but are looking to migrate to a Git-based solution in order to be able to carry out pre-commit code reviews. The requirements are that the central Git repository is hosted ...
Jonathan Lawson's user avatar
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What could be a reson for getting JMeter Response: 500 this page has been expired?

I have recorded a simple script for login-logout into an application using a browser. I checked the recorded script and everything looks good, it recorded login in, homepage and logout. However, ...
Nawar Youssef's user avatar
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All of my .php files give the http 500 error

First of all, sorry for my bad english! Hello, I'm learning web development all alone, and so I don't really know everything. My problem is that after I used a edited (I don't think that this had a ...
Traijan's user avatar
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Docker failed push image to registry : received unexpected HTTP status: 500 Internal Server Error

I'm trying to push an tagged image to my local registry but it failed. I'm using Docker Desktop for Windows. C:\Users\XXXX>docker push localhost:5000/test The push refers to repository [...
Amlys's user avatar
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Choco Install Mongodb throws internal server error 500

I am stuck on installing mongodb with chocolatey. This is the command I use: choco install mongodb I execute it in powershell with administrative rights. This is the error (translated from german):...
etalon11's user avatar
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Acquia Dev Desktop and Drupal give sometimes 500 Internal Error [closed]

I decided to try Drupal. So, I installed Acquia Dev Desktop 2. Then, I downloaded Drupal (8.0.2) and imported it (+). Then, I opened the Drush console and installed the site with drush site-...
Tom's user avatar
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Documentum: Failed to create document

I tried to upload a new document to Documentum via the CMIS AtomPub API, and received the error message below. How to solve this error? [CMIS AtomPub binding] STATUS CODE: 500 EXCEPTION: runtime ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
575 votes
12 answers

Can I make cURL fail with an exitCode different than 0 if the HTTP status code is not 200?

I was always assuming that when curl got an HTTP 500 response it was returning an exit code that meant failure (!= 0), but that seems to be not the case. Is there a way I can I make cURL fail with an ...
knocte's user avatar
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500 internal server error when accessing a project through localhost on wamp/apache

I installed wamp. I wanted to use Apache HTTP server instead, so deleted it. But wasn't sure if i deleted it properly. So I installed Apache HTTP server, and in the bottom right of screen where it ...
RSM's user avatar
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Fresh Symfony2 install doesn't display a single page on production server

I'm trying to deploy a Symfony2 website on a production server but I am continually being faced by the same problem. When I go to the website nothing is displayed on the screen. I enter the /web/...
mickburkejnr's user avatar
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apache throws 500 error on php error

Hey guys, I just installed apache2 with curl and php5. I haven't touched the config files, and every time my php throws an error (function doesn't exists, variable not set, etc), instead of display ...
Jess's user avatar
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Connecting to my home router web interface from work

I'm trying to connect to my home router web interface from work. I use dyndns, because I don't have a static IP at home, and it works perfectly from any other place except my workplace (update: I ...
Joe's user avatar
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403 Forbidden on Safari and Chrome, opens in Firefox

I am trying to open a web site It worked fine a week ago, but now I can't seem to open it with neither Safari or Chrome, but it loads if I use Firefox. I tried clearing the ...
Boris Rusev's user avatar