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Preserve command history in chronological order (in fish)

I have noticed that default behaviour for storing command history is only storing the latest entry. Typing ls and then ls -al and then entering history would show: ls -al ls Typing ls once more would ...
s_dav's user avatar
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How to remove leading file path information from fish shell tab-complete suggestions?

Using fish, typing ls <tab> in an example directory, the terminal displays: $ ls bar/ dir/ foo/ Continuing with d<tab><tab> this becomes: $ ls dir/ dir/moredir/ dir/otherdir/ ...
Quappas's user avatar
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Is it possible to have an abbreviation in a shell anywhere in a command?

I have a directory which has a really long path. However, I use this directory constantly and I cannot move it (WSL Windows directory). I generally use z to jump around to it quickly which is useful, ...
ZackT's user avatar
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/bin/bash shell (macOS) throwing `-bash: declare: -A: invalid option` error message at shell start

I briefly changed my default shell on macOS Catalina (10.15.1) to Fish, following the steps in Fish's documentation. First, I executed > echo /usr/local/bin/fish | sudo tee -a /etc/shells followed ...
thrillifying's user avatar
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how to enable command line navigation shortcuts in fish shell running in iTerm on Mac

Setup: MacOs Mojave, iTerm, Fish shell 3.0.2, using fisher have theme bob-the-fish installed as well. Would like to be able to use command line navigation keyboard shortcuts such as ctrl-A to get t ...
jim70's user avatar
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Running command for bash in fish shell

I'm trying to identify all the large files in my git repo history and came across this command posted here. git rev-list --objects --all \ | git cat-file --batch-check='%(objecttype) %(objectname) %(...
Physbox's user avatar
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Issue with wrong command entered in fish-shell and it's output

Actually I am using fish these days and I completely switched from bash to fish (with chsh & terminal startup command) but the matter is when I enter a wrong command e.g. qwerty its output is: ...
Cy8099's user avatar
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Why does fish shell create a hidden process in iTerm2

I've moved from bash to fish shell in iTerm2. However, whenever I start iTerm2, I receive the following error message: A session ended very soon after starting. Check that the command in profile ...
Long Thai's user avatar
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In fish shell, which command is equivalent to bash's compgen?

compgen is a useful command, and fish is an excellent command shell. But I cannot find an equivalent in fish. I write one by myself: function compgen --description 'Print a list of documented fish ...
TorosFanny's user avatar
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Unescaped commandline content in fish shell

Is there a way to get the unescaped content of command line in fish? I mean if command line is like ... $ ls 'foo' "bar" ... the desired output would be ls 'foo' "bar". The commandline fish command ...
blackwing's user avatar
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What is the equivalent of bash's !$ and !! in the fish shell?

I've been using bash for a decade or so and have gotten used to being able to type !$ to repeat the last argument, e.g.: $ mkdir foo $ cd !$ cd foo (That last line is printed by the shell to tell ...
Frank Schmitt's user avatar
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Quote or bracket completion in bash, without pressing TAB

Is there any way to have bash autocomplete matching symbols like '"[{( with their right handed counterparts? I would like to do this without having to press tab. For example typing the string echo " ...
codysehl's user avatar
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