Using fish, typing ls <tab> in an example directory, the terminal displays:

$ ls
bar/  dir/  foo/

Continuing with d<tab><tab> this becomes:

$ ls dir/
dir/moredir/  dir/otherdir/  dir/subdir/

But I would much prefer to get what I am used to from bash:

$ ls dir/
moredir/  otherdir/  subdir/

Is there a fish configuration option that gets rid of the leading path information?

  • You may want to try out zsh shell. The same features as fish with extensions and configurabiltiy as a bonus Commented Jul 13, 2022 at 13:40

1 Answer 1


While I don't like providing a negative answer, unfortunately this just isn't going to happen in Fish.

See this Github request. According to an answer by one of the Fish maintainers on a (now-deleted) Stack Overflow question, that particular issue is just the most recent of many that have been closed as "will not implement".

  • @Flimm Thanks - I'll update. Commented Jul 13, 2022 at 13:30

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