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FFMPEG - invalid filter index

I am attempting to create a tiled video using FFMPEG using this example: call ffmpeg.bat ^ -y ^ -i "video 1.mp4" -i "video 2.mp4" "video 3.mp4" -i "video 4.mp4" ^ -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v][2:...
rossmcm's user avatar
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I've got a batch file that works great on my Windows PC but won't work at all on my Windows server

I've written a batch file that uses ffmpeg to compress 1080p videos from my camera to 720p videos (using 2 passes) for my website. It works great on my Windows PC at home but when I attempt to use it ...
olpdog's user avatar
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ffmpeg multiple audio files + 1 image to make video file

I have several flac files and an image. I have succesfully created a video of the image with a single file playing in the background. Now, I have several of these flac files and I would like to ...
NoobStudios's user avatar
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FFmpeg: Unable to find suitable output format for [custom format]

I'm trying to convert a file using the following command ffmpeg.exe -i .\kme9le9xeaa31.png -c:v apng .\kme9le9xeaa31.png.cpy But ffmpeg yields the following error that it is unable to determine ...
Dragas's user avatar
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How to watermark all files in folder with ffmpeg? in windows

when I use for %%a in ("*.mp4") do ffmpeg -i "%%a" -i watermark-image.png -filter_complex "overlay=(main_w-overlay_w)/2:(main_h-overlay_h)/2" -codec:a copy "newfiles\%%~na.mp4" pause i makes all the ...
DmarZX's user avatar
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Windows cmd.exe - How to prevent overwriting of output files while ffmpeg recursively processes a directory?

I'm trying to have ffmpeg iterate through a folder recursively and pull stills from multiple different video clips. If I run: for /r "W:\Exports\1 - Dailies\" %f in (*.mov) do ffmpeg -i "%f" -vf fps=...
user260467's user avatar
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How do I get the number of frames in a video on command line?

I am trying to get the number of frames in a video with ffprobe on windows, but it returns N/A. for /F "delims=" %%I in ('ffprobe.exe -v error -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream^=nb_frames -of ...
John's user avatar
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FFMPEG screen capture and game display

I was looking on the internet for screen capturing software and I found two, namely Camtasia and ADOBE CAPTIVATE (2017 RELEASE). Both are commercial products, but then I discovered that the free open ...
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How do you rotate an entire directory of videos with ffmpeg?

I'm new to FFmpeg and trying to figure this out. I found this for Batch processing and this answer for rotation of video but I need to put them together. Could someone please explain how to create a ...
ThirteenthMonth's user avatar
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How to use the zscale filter with ffmpeg?

I am using ffmpeg v3.3.2 Win64 Static and am having trouble using the zscale filter. This is the command I am trying to execute from the command line: ffmpeg -i input.mkv -vf bwdif=1:0:0,zscale=w=-1:...
E. Smith's user avatar
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ffmpeg performance with multiple core cpu and windows [duplicate]

I call ffmpeg command to generate mp4 using input of mp3 and folder of images my problem is running 3 instance of ffmpeg cause 8 GB 6 core to be full with 100% cpu this is the command I use , any ...
AMH's user avatar
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How to watermark all files in folder with ffmpeg? (Windows)

I'm using the following command to resize and watermark videos: ffmpeg -i "input video.mp4" -s 640x480 -vf "movie=watermark.png [watermark]; [in][watermark] overlay=main_w-overlay_w-10:main_h-...
Jay's user avatar
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ffmpeg multiple files dimensions change

I saw a post on superUser on changing dimensions of a mp4 file which like this FFmpeg -I Input.mp4 -vf scale=460:690 output.mp4 but I want to change dimensions of multiple mp4 files in one go so I ...
hacker red's user avatar
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Video player high CPU usage

I need to play a video file with ffplay in fullscreen mode. The original file has 720x576 resolution, my display is at 1920x1080. When I launch ffplay as ffplay "filename.avi" and upscale it by ...
Alexandr Zarubkin's user avatar
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How to use ffmpeg to add jpeg image before and after the video

I am using the latest version 2.8.5 ffmpeg on Windows and I want to add 5s intro jpeg frame at the beginning of the video starts, and a 5s jpeg end frame at the end of the video. I found a lot of ...
Chito Cheng's user avatar

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