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Questions tagged [dunst]

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notify-send messages sent from a systemd unit delayed

There's an active systemd service [Unit] Description=Launch the screenlock daemon service After=i3wm.service [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=env screenlock-daemon ...
laur's user avatar
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notify-send Works From Shell Session, Not From Script

I am using at in coordination with notify-send/dunst as a form of reminders for myself. In an interactive bash session, doing: $ echo 'notify-send "Test"' | at 12:45PM works just fine and I see the ...
ThoseKind's user avatar
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xautolock tries to log itself when already locked

I'm using the following command after login to enable automatic locking of my screen: xautolock -corners ---- -time 1 -locker "bash /path/to/ /path/to/Wallpaper.png" -notify 10 -notifier "...
weilbith's user avatar
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Unable to start dunst notification daemon for user

I did a clean arch install with only XDM and i3 to serve as login/window managers. I have also installed dunst package; and according to arch wiki nothing else is required for it to work. However, ...
hjpotter92's user avatar