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Questions tagged [dsn]

In computing, a database source name (DSN, often also known as a data source name) are data structures used to describe a connection to a database.

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Is it possible to port User DSN's from one laptop to another?

My company sent laptop upgrades to some employees. I have some User DSN's on my old laptop that I need to move to the new one. They are DB2 DSNs, and it looks like the old driver is 1111_64R1 and ...
Johnny Bones's user avatar
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Is it possible to create a local data source (DSN) to my development MSSQL LocalDB instance?

A project using a legacy code library works in terms of DSN name, user, password - not an approach I'm very familiar with as a developer used to DB connection strings. For testing, I have a LocalDB ...
Mr. Boy's user avatar
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Migrating multiple User DSN connections (ODBC)

I'm looking for a way to migrate multiple User DSN connections (ODBC) from an old server to a fresh new server. In the registry i can only see the saved User DSN connections of my own user, is there ...
M. St.'s user avatar
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InstallAnywhere issue: This application has unexpectely quit

I have downloaded IBM Client SDK 4.10 FC5DE for Windows x64. When I proceed to install it, InstallAnyWhere popups saying "Preparing installation files...". When it reaches to 100% below error is shown ...
Willy's user avatar
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How to use an ODBC file source (.DSN) to export to excel with defined location but no defined filename, bringing up "select workbook"

How can I set up a DSN to direct to a specific location, but then allow me to select the file rather than writing to a specific file. [ODBC] DRIVER=Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *....
Some_Guy's user avatar
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ODBCAD.exe same datasource in system32 and syswow64

Currently i want to proof, which odbc data sources are configurated on a windows server 2008 R2 machine. When i open system32/odbcad32.exe and SysWow64/odbcad32.exe, they contains the same sources (64-...
BendEg's user avatar
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Server Admin has insufficient rights to add SYSTEM DSN. Why?

My Logon ID is in the Administrator Group for a server. Yet, when I run bring up the ODBC Data Source Administrator by launching it as the Administrator and navigate to the SYSTEM Data Source tab, I ...
Ivan's user avatar
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Copy Excel workbook with a pre-configured DSN to other computers

I am working on one Excel 2010 report using one workbook with a few worksheets. The first sheet has a field to enter a number and upon update it passes that number to a stored procedure in SQL server, ...
arch-abit's user avatar
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Linux Fedora - how to create DSN of database in MySQL instance running on localhost for use by RODBC?

A few preliminaries - OS: Fedora release 16 (Verne) MySQL server version: 5.5.29 MySQL Community Server R version: 2.15.1 (2012-06-22) -- "Roasted Marshmallows" I am running a MySQL server that ...
Jubbles's user avatar
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Can't choose MS Acess as an option for a ODBC User DSN: why?

I try to setup an User DSN using an MS Access driver, but although visible as an option in the User DSN tab I only can choose for SQL Server in the second dialog. Why? I am using Windows 7 and Access ...
waanders's user avatar
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ODBC Data Source Administrator Window Crashes

I would really appreciate some help with this. Running Windows 2008 R2 EE x64 SP1 with latest updates Office 2010 X64 (verified) with latest updates When I create a System DSN with an Excel ...
Al Qadi's user avatar
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System DSN command prompt

I can create a System DSN connection via the following command: odbcconf.exe /a {CONFIGSYSDSN "SQL Server" "DSN=NAME|Description=DESCRIPTION|SERVER=MYSQLSERVER|Trusted_Connection=Yes|Database=...
Bernat's user avatar
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System DSN vs user DSN

Every new computer in my company undergoes the same software installation process; one program in particular needs to access a MS SQL Server database via ODBC. The program is then used by multiple ...
waldrumpus's user avatar
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Ubuntu accessing the Virtual BOX DSN

I have Ubuntu 12.04 Installed on my System and have installed Virtual box 4.1.12. and Having Windows7 running in my VBOX (Guest Addition Installed). Now I have crated the DSN on VWin7 Instance which ...
shodowsjedi's user avatar
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Using DSN + 32 bit drivers

I need some advice as I'm running into a problem and so far I have been unable to find a solution. We have a set of reports developed in MS Excel that use a DSN file to connect to data sources to ...
Kristiaan's user avatar
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