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Questions tagged [dotfiles]

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8 votes
2 answers

Source other configuration file in gpg.conf

Is there any way to source a secondary configuration file inside the usual gpg.conf? I'd like to share a set of common configuration options across different workstations but I also need several ...
languitar's user avatar
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Vundle directory automatically copied to dotfiles directory with weird permissions

I just installed mathiasbynens dotfiles (only the bootstrap scripts, not os x default, not that it matters). The bootstrap script copies all the files to ~ folder (not symlink, copy). Anyways, I have ...
Mattias's user avatar
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Dotfile version control: terminal settings

I use one MacBook at home and another at work. Recently I started version controlling my dotfiles. It works like a dream for my vim/MacVim settings, but is decidedly less useful for my .bashrc and ....
yoshw's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How to store confidential info whilst using dot files framework

I'm trying to come up with a strategy to store my dotfiles in Git. So far, I've create a dotfiles repo on GitHub and I've thrown together an install script which simply clones the repo, then symlinks ...
JoeNyland's user avatar
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How can I transfer DotFolders from my Note 3 to my Windows computer?

Okay so I made a hidden folder(Period before it) on my phone with very important photos/videos. Now my Note 3s screen cracked and so is it back light.. I have my phone hooked up (usb) to my computer(...
user406954's user avatar
1 vote
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How to add files to dotfile-castle with homesick?

So I've setup my dotfiles repo on github and installed homesick to manage my dotfiles. So now I happend to have a clone of the repo on my local machine but also a cloned CASTLE (~/.homesick/repo/...
Adrian Forsius's user avatar
0 votes
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.dotfiles gitignore not ignoring vim/tmp folder

tmp=.dotfiles/vim/tmp.GITIGNORE=.dotfiles/.gitignore. I have created a gitignore for vim/tmp inside my .dotfiles but they are not being ignored. My temp folder contains /backup/swap/undo/ and every ...
FallenAngel's user avatar
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alternate osx default keyboard after reboot?

Is there a way to set Colemak as my default keyboard on startup? Can this be done in shell using "defaults write"? I'd like to include it in my setup script. I did enable "Show input menu in login ...
JAstuccio's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

What does this zsh for syntax mean?

I working on source controlling my dotfiles and a lof of what I'm doing is based off of Zach Holman's dotfiles. I want to source all zsh files like he does in his files but before I just throw the ...
Rumel's user avatar
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0 votes
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BitTorrent Sync - Exclude All except

I'd like to exclude all content except some specific folders and files... for example * !somefolder #except this folder how can I do this with .SyncIgnore?
vach's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Hide vim’s backups with a dot in the begining of the backup file name

I have the following line on my ~/.vimrc set backup So, every time I edit a file foo with vim, a backup file foo~ is created. Then the output of ls is polluted. I want vim to make the backup’s name ...
fauve's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between .zshrc and .zshrc-e

I've recently switched to using zsh instead of bash and I installed both zsh and oh-my-zsh. while messing with my configuration I noticed that there is a file named ".zshrc-e" in addition to the ...
davey555's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to increase the font size of the command line in vimperator / pentadactyl?

What to I insert into my .vimperatorrc to make the font size of the command line bigger?
The Unfun Cat's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I put my skype notification settings in a public git repo

I maintain key configuration files in a public git repo - I'd like to put my skype configuration in it too, because I find the default configuration way too noisy. The newer version has started ...
nishantjr's user avatar
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Re-enable Sudden Motion Sensor

I installed Mathias Bynens dotfiles which are very handy but when I check his code it says # Disable the sudden motion sensor as it’s not useful for SSDs sudo pmset -a sms 0 I don't have an SSD and ...
thibmaek's user avatar
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