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Questions tagged [dosbox]

DOSBox is emulator software that emulates an IBM PC compatible computer running MS-DOS. It is intended especially for use with old PC games. DOSBox is free software.

15 votes
4 answers

Using a printer in Dosbox

I'm trying to find a way to run an old Dos based application that uses a printer connected to the parallel port, I don't think Dosbox supports lpt. I am interested both in using that printer and in ...
Ofir's user avatar
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1 answer

Running DOSBox completely headless

I have an old compiler written for DOS that I need to be able to use on a modern Linux system. I have written a wrapper around DOSBox that allows me to invoke it from a Linux command line. The only ...
thirtythreeforty's user avatar
6 votes
6 answers

How can I print with DosBox? [closed]

I'm looking for a version of dosbox with print support I saw the answers to this question Using a printer in Dosbox but I didn't manage to make it work
Sam's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Loading Games onto DosBox

I downloaded an old 16 bit game and also downloaded DosBox. I believe I have the right pieces, but I can't figure out how to open the game on DosBox. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. ...
jhoratio's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Can I make a DOSBox like, in Virtual Box

My idea is make a DOSBox like with virtualbox and FreeDOS (or MS-DOS). Is it possible? Only need install DOS in virtual box, or need something else? Can FreeDOS have a GUI for open, per example, ...
DiogoSaraiva's user avatar