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docker compose down service with label

I'm trying to figure out how to programmatically compose down several services with a label. Currently I'm just using docker container stop as such: docker container stop -t 60 $(docker ps -q -f "...
Modem7's user avatar
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ls in Docker on Windows not showing one directory

I'm running Windows Server 2016 Datacenter version 1607 (build 14393.6614) with Docker Desktop Community Version (31259). I'm running an Ubuntu docker container in an interactive mode with my ...
user1543037's user avatar
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Setting GitHub Actions Secrets on Docker container build/run command, but encountering a parsing issue

I'm in the early stages of building an automated pipeline. Still in the exploring phase. Right now, I'm struggling with setting the environment variables for the container I'm going to run my app. The ...
Jorge Mauricio's user avatar
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docker login fails when done in .bashrc

At the end of my .bashrc file I have the following: docker login -u AWS -p $(aws --region us-east-2 ecr get-login-password) However, whenever I open up a ...
neubert's user avatar
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How to solve exec format error while running container in ECS?

Previously the question was related to It was fixed but my problem is related to using shell /bin/sh. ...
Neetesshhr's user avatar
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Integrate aws-cli via docker to the linux command line

In order not to have too many local installations, I decided to encapsulate the aws and kubectl cli's to a docker container and integrate it via this script, which is accessible on the path: #!/bin/...
peez80's user avatar
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Is there a way to restrict a linux user in a Dockerfile to only be allowed to run some specific commands?

I'm creating a Dockerfile with Fedora as base image. I created an user and I want this user to only be allowed to run basic commands (touch, echo, git). I already tried modifying the sudoers file and ...
Sebastian Rueda's user avatar
2 votes
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"ERROR: cannot copy to non-directory" when copying to WORKDIR?

I am simply trying to copy all the contents of the current directory into the docker image. Why is the WORKDIR not allowed as a destination? from ubuntu:20.04 WORKDIR . ENV TZ=America/Los_Angeles RUN ...
WestCoastProjects's user avatar
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An image shows up again upon re-creation even after 'docker image ls' shows an empty result?

We have one existing docker image: docker image ls REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE setupython latest 3ce7423c6076 11 hours ago 1.49GB Let's write a utility to ...
WestCoastProjects's user avatar
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Why is a stopped docker container not showing in 'docker ps'?

I tried to remove a docker image but was told it is used by a stopped container: docker image rm 7bf111746926 Error response from daemon: conflict: unable to delete 7bf111746926 (must be forced) - ...
WestCoastProjects's user avatar
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How can I create a symbolic link of a file in another directory with relative path?

THE PROBLEM I'm developping an ai training app. The app uses docker and some folders are shared (mounted). Absolute paths inside and outside docker differ, and I need to create symlinks that work on ...
J Pablo F's user avatar
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null, message from server: Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server

I am on Acer Aspire 5738 with 8GB ram, swap 16GB installed with Pop!_OS. I am using DBeaver as a RDBMS client and have created 3 containers and 3 separate volumes (to persist data) for 3 database ...
sifar's user avatar
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Load ENV file from bash script

I have a bash script that has the following content : #!/bin/bash source ./ docker compose --env-file ./ -f ./docker-compose.yaml and a file with the ...
Nova's user avatar
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How to make apache service run continuously from script file from docker?

I am trying to run apache2 service from .sh script from dockerfile. The 'sh' script contains 3 executable commands which is presented as below: #!/bin/bash export DISPLAY=:0.0 echo "pvw ...
rasunag27's user avatar
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How do I convert a linux iso into docker image/container

I am trying to convert a linux distro(RasPBX) into a docker container. So, far I was able to deploy the container, its runs without the desired outcome. Here is the docker file and dockerignore file: ...
Safiq Rahman's user avatar
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Shell Script With Proper Permissions Gets "Not Found" When Attempting to Run

I have a weird situation going on. I have created an Ubuntu-based Docker container and copied in a bash shell script that will be used in that container. I can go into the CLI for the container and ...
ke4ktz's user avatar
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How to run exec command in a loop until it is successful

I want run exec $Docker-run command until it's successful on redhat linux. Looping over it? $Docker-run = docker run --env-file .env Image-name Can anyone provide a solution?
skillshot07's user avatar
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Get absolute path on host for container PID's executable

Context: CentOS 7 host Ubuntu container Dockerfile: FROM ubuntu ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash"] Observation: Building and running the above container, a new bash process will be launched on the ...
Neal Eastwood's user avatar
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Passing variables to docker run from within a bash shell, getting "unterminated quoted string" error

I have a bash shell with multiple variables that form the command options of a docker run command. I suspect a < character is breaking the config line that I am passing. This is the command that I ...
Richard Westby-Nunn's user avatar
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shellcheck vs. Docker

Until now I used to stop all running Docker containers like this: docker stop $(docker ps -q) Now that I've used shellcheck, it told me this: Quote this to prevent word splitting.shellcheck(SC2046) ...
Alexander Zeitler's user avatar
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Docker exec with dollar variable

I'm trying to run a command inside a Docker container with an environment variable, but I can't figure out the right syntax. I can see the variable is set correctly: $ docker exec -e FOO=bar ...
Elliott B's user avatar
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Issue parsing variable into curl to send JSON to splunk

I have a simple script here that I intend to run periodically: statsout=`docker stats --no-stream --format "{{json .}}"` while read line ; do echo "$line" curl -k &...
Shiunbird's user avatar
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Start a Docker container via SSH and kill it on exit (by trapping Ctrl-C)

I'd like to start a Docker container remotely via SSH and, once exiting the SSH command with Ctrl-C, stop the Docker container. So far I have this: #!/usr/bin/env bash set -e docker run --rm alpine ...
slhck's user avatar
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can't get ssh running on docker via dockerfile

Here's my Dockerfile: FROM php:7.4 RUN apt-get install -y openssh-server \ && useradd --create-home --base-dir /home myuser \ && echo "myuser:myuser" | chpasswd \ ...
neubert's user avatar
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Bash script behaves differently between local and remote execution

I got the following script to run pre-backup stuff on my server : #!/bin/bash dump_name="nextcloud_$(date +%d-%m-%y_%H-%M-%S)_backup.sql" printf "Enabling maintenance mode... " docker exec -u www-...
JeanneD4RK's user avatar
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Docker container entry points complain "cannot execute binary file: Exec format error"

I've been stumped trying to run Nextcloud via docker for the past few weeks. I've tried using ownyourbits/nextcloudpi, nextcloud, and the example docker-compose scripts provided by the Nextcloud team, ...
Chase's user avatar
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Grafana Docker entrypoint script stops with "No such file or directory", but file is there

I'm trying to run Grafana on my Raspberry Pi 3 with docker. My docker-compose entry for it is pretty straightforward: version: '3.7' services: grafana: container_name: grafana image: ...
LimaKilo's user avatar
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Docker : how to launch a script on host when container stops?

I would like to know if it is possible to launch bash script on host when a docker container is stopped. For example I would like to stop a service when my container is stopped. I saw that catching ...
M.Brbr's user avatar
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Docker on Raspberry Pi. 'docker-ce' has no installation candidate

I tried to install Docker on my Raspberry Pi (Raspbian GNU/Linux 10). Most websites show that it can be done in just one or two command lines. curl -sSL | sh or curl -fsSL get....
MH Yip's user avatar
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Connection refused using host.docker.internal in docker container

I have a localhost:8000 open on the host machine. Specifically: $ php -S localhost:8000 PHP 7.1.19 Development Server started at Tue Jul 16 09:49:08 2019 Listening on http://localhost:8000 I can ...
Leon Ma's user avatar
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Deleted /usr/bin/docker on CentOs

I wanted to uninstall docker from my CentOs Machine and run this script : curl -sSL | sh But it told me that the docker command was already available on the system and it ...
xaoc2nd's user avatar
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Script run with shebang does not resolve aliases, how to circumvent?

My main shell is zsh. I am using Docker for Windows and therefore docker inside WSL is not found, because the call should be to docker.exe. A quick hack I found online was to alias docker=docker.exe,...
tomsseisums's user avatar
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ping: : Name or service not known - while pinging a valid ip

Well, This appears to be a known issue to many but I've applied many of the workarounds I found online but none of them worked! I'm running packer from a docker container to build an image on ...
harshavmb's user avatar
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"volumes 'type' is a required property" when running docker-compose

I am working through understanding how docker-compose.yaml works. I am trying to define a volume inside the compose file and to mount it at a mount point locally. I try to run a basic .yaml to mount ...
user7298979's user avatar
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Run multiple jar files sequentially (not simultaneously) using shell script and docker

I have 2 jar files say abc.jar and xyz.jar , I want to run them sequentially one after another. when my is like this /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/java -jar abc.jar & /usr/lib/...
jagga's user avatar
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Bash script for Docker container in Windows returns "Unknown target"

I've downloaded a repository that contains a .sh script to open a Docker container. I'm running Windows 10 with Docker Toolbox (rather than the full version, which has some Hyper-V issues) and its ...
Josh Friedlander's user avatar
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How to copy environment variables from local shell to a remote ssh connection inside a shellscript?

I am currently working on a shell script that is used to build docker images and restart containers running on the remote host. below is the stripped down version of the code. #!/bin/bash -xe # ...
Manvendra Singh's user avatar
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IF block statement in inside an execlineb script

I have a Docker Container based on Alpine which runs S6 Overlay to manage two services inside it (a music DB, and a web interface to manage it). The problem is that the second service is optional, and ...
DarkGhostHunter's user avatar
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How to effect side effects in pipe

I'm running minikube as a local test environment and using docker multi-stage builds to build my containers. Minikube runs a version of docker that doesn't support multi-stage builds. Minikube ...
mkingston's user avatar
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With docker is there a way of determining what images rely on another image

With docker I can identify all named and tagged containers with docker images which lists them out. I can find out what other images a given image relies on using docker inspect --format '{{.RootFS....
RidiculousRichard's user avatar
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Compressor detection issue when running curl command from bash script in Docker container

I want to execute curl using bash script inside the Docker container. This is my script file that I added to the container: curl -X POST http://localhost:9200/tests/test -d usr/share/...
Klue's user avatar
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syntax error near unexpected token `(' writing bash function

I have testapi() { docker-compose -f /home/me/projects/api/docker-compose.yml run -e "API_BRANCH=${1-master}" --rm api_test ;} It causes error: $ src bash: /home/me/.bash_profile: line 56: syntax ...
codyc4321's user avatar
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Docker exec doesn't load aliases

I have a bash alias loaded into a Docker container, in /etc/bash.bashrc. It functions as a shortcut to a commandline PHP script. This is convenient, since anyone can use that alias directly after one ...
David Spreekmeester's user avatar
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Docker on Conemu

I am trying to make docker run on ConEmu by creating a task that open up Docker file usinggit bash. Since normally docker Terminal is pointing to "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe" --login ...
Yar's user avatar
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Redirecting command output in docker

I want to do some simple logging for my server which is a small Flask app running in a Docker container. Here is the Dockerfile # Dockerfile FROM dreen/flask MAINTAINER dreen WORKDIR /srv # Get ...
Dreen's user avatar
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Docker Quickstart Terminal: cd: /u: Permission denied

I've just installed Docker for Windows. Quickstart terminal creates the 'default' vm, but then it can't access it with text: bash: cd: /u: Permission denied Looks like something went wrong... Press ...
miracle_the_V's user avatar
11 votes
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Mounting a directory from the host in boot2docker for Windows

I'm running docker 1.6 and boot2docker on a Windows 8.1 box. When I use the Boot2Docker Start shortcut, it takes me to a cygwin bash prompt where I can run docker commands natively. I'm having ...
Paul Oliver's user avatar
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Enter a Failed Docker Container with a Different Command

I have a fairly complicated docker container I'm attempting to build. As part of the build process I have I install Chef and have Chef install a number of cookbooks using Chef-Solo. I am having the ...
localhostv6's user avatar