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Questions tagged [disk-space]

The amount of computer storage space on devices, such as hard drive, floppy or USB flash drive.

2 votes
3 answers

Disk space lost with partitioning (windows 10 - disk management)

It is the second time (since a long time ago) i try on my computer to create a small partition, using the default windows 10 disk management tool. First step is to shrink my C drive, and windows asks ...
Jetboy's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Exact files (Copied) have a different size on disk on the same drive?

Recently I've run across something odd. An exact copy of a folder full of files has a different Size on Disk than the original. I could understand how this could happen between drives with different ...
Tyler N's user avatar
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1 answer

How to debug the "System" part of my Mac that is taking up space

I am seeing this. I have been running a lot of Node.js data processing scripts to generate data on an external hard drive. I am logging a lot of stuff to the terminal windows that are running those ...
Lokasa Mawati's user avatar
26 votes
5 answers

My C Drive is full without reason [duplicate]

My C drive (SSD, the drive on which I installed the OS) recently shows that it's almost full. (Japanese text says: empty space is 6.98 GB out of 105 GB.) But when I checked by computing all the ...
EagerToLearn's user avatar
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Increase bootable USB available memory

I wanted to know if it is possible to use the USB memory to increase the available disk-space for a bootable OS in an USB. I have a bootable USB which runs Kali Linux. I noticed that the available ...
Android_Dev's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Same files have different "size on disk" on new drive

I recently bought a 8TB HDD to replace my 1TB drive for storing my backups. However after moving the files to the new drive I noticed they take up a substantially larger amount of space on the disk, ...
Oh Dear's user avatar
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Jupyter OSError: [Errno 122] Disk quota exceeded:

I am running jupyter notebook on a server and accessing it using ssh tunnelling. I am having a Kernel error when trying to start jupyter. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/user/.conda/...
BND's user avatar
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Windows 10 storage space is incorrect

I can't figure out what is taking up space on my hard disk, I have tried so many everything, including running disk utilities, to no avail I can't figure out what is taking up the space. If you look ...
talkersoft's user avatar
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pacct file on gentoo gobbles up lots of disk space, can I nullyfy it?

root@GentooLinux_18:41:46_Wed Apr 03:/var/account#du -shc * 2.3G pacct 2.3G total Wondering!! And I am getting this : couldn't open file '@ACCT_FILE_LOC@'
unixbhaskar's user avatar
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Trouble while extending a disk partition on Windows

I have an unallocated space, so I tried to extend my C:\ drive however I couldn't do the process "extend volume" option is disabled, you can see the image below,
Geek Girl's user avatar
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Raspbian space disk by default

I'm doing my first steps with Raspberry Pi (3B+), and I'm not sure about my SD card. I already have a 8 GB, but my question is : Is a 8GB SD card enough to install Raspbian and few packages such as ...
gZen0n's user avatar
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Why I can see lot more free disk space as root than as a user?

When I am logged in as a user, I can see free disk space: 1.2 Gb, with Midnight Commander. Surprisingly when I run "sudo mc" then Midnight Commander shows a lot more free disk space: 1.9 Gb. How is it ...
Konstantin's user avatar
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Difference in free disk space - ncdu and df

I've noticed that there is a huge difference in free disk space for root by using "ncdu" or "df" for me: df -Th: dev devtmpfs 7,8G 0 7,8G 0% /dev run ...
sleepi's user avatar
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what happens when all bits in a hard-disk are set to one?

When all bits in a computer hard-disk become zero, we say that the disk was wiped out and is now clean of any data. consider the hypothetical case in which all bits are now one. What will the computer ...
kesarling's user avatar
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Is there a way I can check which block of disk is really used?

I use df and du to check disk usage of centos,then I get different results from these tools. [root@localhost home]# df -Th Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/...
Yvette Yu's user avatar
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Please help me understand the jump in used space in a freshly formatted disk

Let me try to explain what I am trying to understand. I have 2 physical drives in my laptop. The one without the OS, the D drive, shows 200 MB of used space right after formatting. (Right click -> ...
GSRichie's user avatar
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VIRTUALBOX RESIZE PARTITION | Archlinux | guest not recognizing new increased disk size

UPDATED-STATEMENT: 20190206@094017@WED Post created UPDATED-STATEMENT: 20190208@153938@FRI Attempted to resize partition but unable to get more than 8GB for root or sda2 in my case UPDATED-STATEMENT: ...
fohrums's user avatar
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Drive Space Inconsistently reported

I am trying to clean up some free space on my SSD C: drive, and I am getting some inconsistent information depending on the tool I use to look at drive usage. If I look at the drive through file ...
Patrick's user avatar
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Check actual occupied disk space in case of malware

I have a win 10 HP laptop. Recently, I got infected with some malware (don't know what exactly, installed antivirus detected a couple of trojan generics, out of which one was most definitely a false ...
Dobby's user avatar
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Extending allocated primary partition with preceding unallocated volume

I tried to make a dual-boot system on my Razer Blade. When I allocated a seperate partition for my Linux installation, I suddenly got a new unallocated partition in front of my Windows partition. Now ...
DTrescher's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

I want to extend Local Disk C but I can't create unallocated space next to it so that i just simply extend it

I urgently need to extend my Local Disk C but when O shrink the other disk (E), the unallocated space appears after disk E so I'm unable to extend disk C to the unallocated space.
Naluzze Anita's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Who eats my disk space? [closed]

Windows 10. Every now and then ~4Gb of my disk space vanishes into a thin air. And then mysteriously re-appears after few minutes. I need a tool to track the offending process down. Any recommendation?...
Dima's user avatar
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3 answers

Is it safe to delete system partition on disk that used to hold OS in multiple disk desktop PC?

I have a desktop Windows 10, 64 bit, and one of the disks I'm attaching via SATA is from an old laptop, that laptop used to have Windows 10 installed on it. So the system files are still on it. I ...
Bruno  Vincent's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Upgrade my Laptop Hard Drive [duplicate]

I want to upgrade my laptop hard drive to one with more space. I dont want to reinstall everything. Can I "clone it" to a new drive so that the laptop doesnt know the difference ? Can this be done ?...
user4434's user avatar
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SD card has 26gb large "file" [duplicate]

Windirstat shows a large unknown something of 26gb! I have a Samsung 128gb microsd in win10 oct update. I cannot see it in explorer. So I tried to run Ubuntu (from win store) and mounted the sd. $ ...
JP Hellemons's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Splitting into many .ZIP files using 7-Zip

If I have a 100 GB folder and I split ZIP it, is there a difference in how much disk space is consumed if I split it into 100 .ZIP files at 1 GB each or 10 .ZIP files at 10 GB each? Do 100 .ZIP files ...
Kong's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Windows 10 displays 54.4GB of temp files, but only 3GB can be cleaned

After looking at my storage use in Windows 10, I noticed that a lot of storage is taken up by temporary files. According to Settings, about 54.4GB is being used. However, Disk Cleanup only shows 3GB -...
Zackary's user avatar
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Disk full for unknown reason - BTRFS partition filled up with garbage data

On my Debian Linux laptop a couple of days ago I got my 23GB root EXT4 partition full (probably I installed more software than I expected). Since I have plenty of space in my BTRFS home partition, ...
Pietro's user avatar
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How to avoid freeing disk space on a Windows-10 PC

I'm working on an application, which can take a backup. In case there is not enough disk space, this application seems not to give an error message. In order to test this, I'm filling up my PC ...
Dominique's user avatar
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How to Extend the Primary Boot C Drive Partition - Extend Option Grayed Out [duplicate]

I see the "Extend Partition" option is grayed out in the Disk Management tool and as far as I can understand I need to move my data to another drive and change the drive letters. This is something I ...
Stephanie Safflower's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Do I need the cache directories from old versions of IntelliJ IDEA?

These folders are taking up a fair amount of disk space so I'd like to get rid of them if possible. I'm using version 2018.2 at the moment so I'll keep hold of that one. These folders shouldn't have ...
Matt's user avatar
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Cannot find this location in REGEDIT: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\ Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer

I'm getting a really annoying low disk spam from windows for an OEM partition. Was searching how to turn this off and found this this article. It directs me to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\ ...
Paidoo's user avatar
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Ubuntu detects half of external disk

I have a Virtual Machine that has 3 disks. The third one is 150Go size, I get this with sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdc: /dev/sdc1 2048 314572799 157285376 83 Linux However, df command ...
watou's user avatar
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3 answers

Unaccounted for space on SSD

I have a fairly new install of Windows 7SP1 and applications that hadn't changed much on a 500Gb (ok, 465Gb) SSD. All told, these used about 270Gb. The disk is a Samsung 850 EVO SSD, 500Gb purchased ...
user484603's user avatar
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Laptop internal hard disk not found error

My Dell Vostro 2520 64-bit laptop. Shows the following error on power on. Internal hard disk drive not found To resolve this issue, try reseat the drive No bootable devices -- strike F1 to retry boot,...
espotter's user avatar
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2 answers

Large .xsession-errors file, PulseAudio

On Ubuntu 16.04 (LTS), x64, I am facing the following problem: .xsession-errors, in home folder is growing very fast, reaching sizes of tens of GB. I just forcibly truncated the file (echo "" > ....
Mircea's user avatar
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Increase root disk space

New to Linux, I want to increase the size of disk space in fedora-root and it appears that theres ~16GB of available space in other filesystems. Is this a correct assessment? Below I provide the ...
TorusGenusTwo's user avatar
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Sum of files (including hidden) takes 92 gb, but Windows 10 says 303 gb are used

I know this questions has been asked a thousand times already and in a thousand different websites. But I haven never seen such great discrepancy (in % and in absolute values). 200 gb is a lot. And is ...
Trauer's user avatar
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Moving "MyDocuments" to D drive, did not free up space. Why is that?

Somewhat related to my previous question. So I ran out of space on my primary C drive (I'm using Windows 7), and choose to move all of "my documets" folder locatoin to d:\ drive, thought it would be ...
TheTechGuy's user avatar
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Thunderbird: show space usage by sender

Is it possible to obtain a (disk) space usage view, like in WinDirStat in Windows or baobab in Linux, for my emails? Specifically, split by sender? If not, is it maybe possible to get a simple ...
Zubo's user avatar
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4 votes
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Do empty folders take up space?

Folders have metadata such as name, date modified, permissions, etc. Is it possible to fill up a whole drive with only empty folders?
clickbait's user avatar
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6tb hard drive only showing 1.49tb of unallocated space

I'm not sure if this is a bios thing or what, It dosn't matter if the drive is using MBR or GPT. It always gives me only 1.49tb of unallocated space while in my system. For some reason if I hook up ...
David Scheiber's user avatar
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sda1 on CentOS 7 on Google Cloud full id of nothing?

I am on Google Cloud Linux CentOS 7.0 Guest. I'm running out of disk! How is this possible? I don't use 25% that they say I do? It looks more like about ~10Gb. # du --max-depth=1 --human-readable / | ...
Mr Heelis's user avatar
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How to increase VirtualBox CentOS 6.5 disk size? [closed]

I am trying to increase the disk size of a VM that I initially set up with 4 GB memory to 10 GB. I successfully increased it to 8 GB (by getting rid of lv_swap and running lvextend after updating it ...
Samvawa's user avatar
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Hyper-V: Why does allocating RAM also allocate disk space?

System: Windows 10 Pro, Hyper-V I have been trying to diagnose why my VM has been catastrophically running out of disk space in the middle of RAM-intensive computations. In Hyper-V's "Settings for [...
JoseOrtiz3's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Windows 10 not showing files and folders in E drive

I've partitioned my HDD into 4 parts - C, D, E, H drives. Recently E drive got full. After that, its files and folders disappeared. I also have dual boot Ubuntu. I can see the files and folders on ...
Prashant Yadav's user avatar
1 vote
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Lost free space in external hard drive after a crash when copying a file

I'm using Linux. I was copying a huge file into my external hard drive (NTFS) when my computer crashed. After booting up again, I realized the free space on my external hard drive has dramatically ...
user913298's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I get any programs to only/always interact with D: instead instead of C:? [duplicate]

I've built a rig with a small SSD for C: which I want to be pretty much only for the OS, and a HDD D: drive. Problem is, even when I tell them to install and run from D: a lot of programs keep sending ...
Daniel Braunstein's user avatar
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Strange Disk/Folder size issues (different results)

On windows 10 x64 machine, with WD Purple Drive 4TB I have a MAIN folder located at R:/Backup/Main Folder inside the that are lots of sub folders such as resources, projects, and what nots. Now, ...
BrownChiLD's user avatar
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Device and Disk Space Management

I am having trouble freeing up space in my system. The output of the command df is: I'm not sure what the device /dev/nvme0n1p5 is. When I do sudo umount /dev/nvme0n1p5 I get: I'm not sure where ...
Joel Castro's user avatar

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