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Questions tagged [disk-cleanup]

Disk Cleanup is a built-in tool in Windows to delete temporary files that are safe to delete.

-1 votes
1 answer

Windows 8.1 disc cleanup for system files shows "windows update cleanup" but doesn't remove them

When I choose to check for system files it shows about 950MB for windows update cleanup. After I click ok and confirm deleting them, it show the deleting process, ends without showing any message and ...
52 votes
5 answers

How to clear Chrome/Chromium Edge Service Worker cache?

Note that this is NOT the Cache folder. It's the Cache of Service Worker, the path should be AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Service Worker. Recently I noticed my hard drive is almost ...
1 vote
1 answer

Can't delete/remove temporary files Windows 10

I have tried to remove "Temporary files" in Settings > Storage and in Disk Cleanup tool But after selecting and running the removing/deleting/cleaning process nothing happens, the "...
0 votes
1 answer

Windows 10 Disk Cleanup keeps showing large amount of Temporary Files

My Windows 10 machine recently started taking a long time to sign in. Boot, post and getting to the login screen are all fast, but after signing in it takes up to two minutes to reach the desktop. ...
0 votes
1 answer

Which Chrome directories can be safely removed to clean up the storage?

Which Chrome directories can be safely removed to clean up the storage? In particular, what do shared_proto_db and File System do?
2 votes
3 answers

WinSxS filling so fast that DISM cleanup cannot operate

I have a Windows 10 machine that is seeing the WinSxS folder fill up so quickly that DISM cannot run, and c: shows 0 bytes free. The machine also has a D: with 30 GB+ free space, so I have tried ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Disk cleanup not running after i cleanned the %temp%, temp, prefetch files?

I am completely unsure what caused this but i was cleanning my pc by using the run command and entering %temp%, temp, prefetch files and i deleted all files from those folders. I double checked to be ...
35 votes
8 answers

Why does Disk Cleanup take so much time and cpu?

Just a curiosity question. Disk Cleanup has been spending 100% of one of my cores for quite a while and still going. Seems to be spending a lot of time especially on Windows Update Cleanup. Can't ...
0 votes
4 answers

Is there any software for cleaning Windows' temp folder?

Is there any software for cleaning Windows' local settings / temp folder? With no installing, not many options, just a simple, nice interface with buttons to do what's needed and which wouldn't ...
1 vote
1 answer

Deleting empty folders inside a folder for iTunes Media cleanup (Mac)

My iTunes library has some time ago split up into two locations and now I want to merge them, but before I do so I want to clean up the folders. In the iTunes Media list, there are artist folders, ...
22 votes
1 answer

Can I safely delete folder $GetCurrent in Windows 10?

I have Windows 10 Version 1803 (OS Build 17134.48). And just noticed that there is a folder in the root of C:\ drive: C:\$GetCurrent With subfolders: Logs media SafeOS The total size of folder is ...
-1 votes
1 answer

How can I figure out what files in AppData\Local\Temp I can delete safely?

My AppData\Local\Temp occupies 200GB, but cleanmgr.exe says Temporary Files: 1.16MB Why is there the difference? How can I figure out what files in the folder I can delete safely?
14 votes
5 answers

When running `rm -rf`, is it possible to exclude certain subdirectories?

I routinely use bind mounts to aid in making space available in multiple locations without having to have multiple logical volumes / physical partitions / LUNs, etc. For example, I may have a 200G LV ...
0 votes
1 answer

Disk cleanup doesn't work on Windows 8.1

When I am trying to clean the 2.53 GB of old "Windows Updates" by pressing "OK" in and then re-open the clean up window, all those old updates are still there. I ran Dism /Online /...
0 votes
1 answer

Can I delete MEMORY.DMP file from my laptop

I have HP laptop with Windows 10. I have seen there is a file in C:\Windows folder MEMORY.DMP with size almost 7.33GB. Can I delete this file permanently from my laptop ? or will it create any problem ...

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