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Questions tagged [df]

df is a standard Unix computer program used to display the amount of available disk space for filesystems

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Raspbian: USB drive mounted and accessible but doesn't show on `df -h`

I have an USB drive connected to my Raspberry Pi running Raspbian. The directories on it are accessible using cd, ls etc. but the drive doesn't show up when running df. It however does show when I run ...
RUrlus's user avatar
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What are sparse files and how to deal with them?

When dealing with sparse files, df appears to report the dummy size and not the apparent size of the file which makes it difficult to monitor free space on the system. (I use df -h to check disk usage)...
kn330's user avatar
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Can I hide BIND mount points from DF?

Is there a formal way to hide the mount points of BIND from df (in CentOS 6.4) ? It's ugly and distracting. Apparently people have been complaining about it for a decade but I cannot seem to google ...
ck_'s user avatar
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Explaination needed for strange `df` and `du` results

Can someone help me to understand the following output: # df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/xvda1 8.0G 7.5G 167M 98% / udev 7.4G 8.0K 7.4G 1% /dev ...
smkengr's user avatar
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Missing space on hdd linux?

michaelxu@michaelxu-server:~$ df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sda1 71G 65G 2.0G 98% / none 495M 224K 495M 1% /dev none ...
agz's user avatar
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Discrepancy between df and du

I have a question pertaining the difference from 'df -h' and 'du -bs'. I have seen several questions here about it, but the issue was always that 'df -h' was reporting more used space than 'du -bs'. I ...
Jose Miguel Dores's user avatar
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*nix shellscript: Get disk usage on multiple OSs

I am trying to get the usage-percentage for a given disk in a system. The program I have to write will be a bash shell script. The script has to work on Debian, Arch, and Mac OS X. My current approach ...
gorootde's user avatar
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How can the 'df' Used be different after an rsync?

I've used rsync to copy an entire hard disk from one to another which was just newly formatted. It's about 640GB of data, but the destination hard drive has 750MB more that shows up under the 'df' ...
Edward's user avatar
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df -h showing wrong output in GB

If I list df output for KB, MB and GB, they do not match e.g. $ df -k |grep xvdb /dev/xvdb1 12796048 732812 11413172 7% /xxx $ df -m |grep xvdb /dev/xvdb1 12497 ...
Anurag Uniyal's user avatar
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How do I change the default for the "df" command in the Unix/Linux Terminal in the tcsh shell?

I am in the Unix/Linux terminal right now and I'm not in any kind of editor such as vi or emacs. Now when I type in the "df" command, I get the amount of disk free space in KILOBYTES. I want to change ...
user1656014's user avatar
10 votes
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Running out of disk space on /home directory?

I have a 200GB HD and have just installed Linux Mint (12 - KDE) as the only OS (I formatted and wiped my previous Windows 7 installation). I am in the process of installing my "sandbox" and because I'...
pnongrata's user avatar
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In Linux, is it possible to get a listing of drives' disk space usage that also shows volume labels?

I know about df, of course, but df does not output volume labels. I have 5 USB hard drives plugged into my NAS box, and would love to know which is which. Current df output: Filesystem ...
DavidH's user avatar
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df reported size/used/available discrepancy

$ df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-Backups 425G 377G 27G 94% /Backups Size = 425G Used = 377G Available = 27G Used + Available = 404G ...
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df reporting weird file usage info

This is on an ubuntu machine running jaunty (9.04). Yesterday there was 30 something gigs free, now df is reporting: /dev/sda1 9.2G 5.1G 3.7G 59% / none 966M ...
Brendan's user avatar
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7 answers

How to analyse disk usage in command line linux?

du and df are nice, but I don't know how to filter the data they provide the way I do with SequoiaView. I would like to know which are the largest folders and the largest files in a glance.
Jader Dias's user avatar
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