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Why is an incorrect size reported on multi-partition USB flash drive?

I'm creating a custom Linux installer which uses two partitions on a 4GB USB flash drive: an EFI partition for booting and a data partition for installer files. The size reported by df is unexpected. ...
Danny's user avatar
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Folder is empty, but du reports high usage

I have a 115GB partition on my hard disk (output of cgdisk /dev/sda is below): Part. # Size Partition Type Partition Name --------------------------------------------------------...
Farzad's user avatar
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Increase root disk space

New to Linux, I want to increase the size of disk space in fedora-root and it appears that theres ~16GB of available space in other filesystems. Is this a correct assessment? Below I provide the ...
TorusGenusTwo's user avatar
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Why does the output of `lsblk` and `df -h` seem to conflict?

I'm trying to create a directory /mnt/data that will be mounted on to /dev/mapper/centos-home, since that's the biggest partition. The output of lsblk looks like this: NAME MAJ:MIN RM ...
Marcus Buffett's user avatar
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Debian df - What are my partitions

I have a debian server hosted by Kimsufi. It has 2TB of HDD storage. When I run df -h on my server I get this output: Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/root 20G 1.3G 17G ...
Vogon Jeltz's user avatar
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Is there something wrong with my disk partition?

# fdisk -l Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System /dev/sda1 * 2048 499711 248832 83 Linux /dev/sda2 501758 41940991 20719617 5 Extended ...
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