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Questions tagged [df]

df is a standard Unix computer program used to display the amount of available disk space for filesystems

2 votes
2 answers

Difference in free disk space - ncdu and df

I've noticed that there is a huge difference in free disk space for root by using "ncdu" or "df" for me: df -Th: dev devtmpfs 7,8G 0 7,8G 0% /dev run ...
sleepi's user avatar
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Unable to Detect Size of Brand new Hard Disk

I just purchased a 8TB hard drive today. I just put it in my USB enclosure. fdisk -l did see the device: Disk /dev/sdc: 1404.5 GB, 1404493455360 bytes, 2743151280 sectors Units = sectors of 1 * 512 ...
HCSF's user avatar
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Is there a way I can check which block of disk is really used?

I use df and du to check disk usage of centos,then I get different results from these tools. [root@localhost home]# df -Th Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/...
Yvette Yu's user avatar
-1 votes
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What is the total size of your Linux installation and total partitions on the system?

I am going through the Linux documentation and trying to answer the following questions On which partition is your home directory? How many partitions are on your system? What is the total size of ...
Aravind R. Yarram's user avatar
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Why does rm over NFS not free space immediately?

I'm on a SUSE Enterprise server which has mounted a drive via an NFS mount. I have created a 34GB file via dd if=/dev/Zero of=test_file bs=8k Count=4194304 to test the write speed of the NFS share. ...
Robert's user avatar
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Increase root disk space

New to Linux, I want to increase the size of disk space in fedora-root and it appears that theres ~16GB of available space in other filesystems. Is this a correct assessment? Below I provide the ...
TorusGenusTwo's user avatar
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This is my `df -h` output. Why is my 256G SSD partioned into so many filesystems?

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on udev 63G 0 63G 0% /dev tmpfs 13G 139M 13G 2% /run /dev/nvme0n1p2 103G 22G 77G 22% / tmpfs 63G ...
Geert's user avatar
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df hide ifree etc (GNU)

(analogous to for BSD) How can I hide the columns beginning with i (iused, ...
Sridhar Sarnobat's user avatar
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how to increase the space on docker in CentOS7?

How can I increase the space on this docker? I need to transfer 30G of images into this docker to do the image processing within the docker however seems I only have 2G available $ sudo docker pull ...
Mona Jalal's user avatar
1 vote
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Linux df command returns permission denied

Any ideas on how I can fix this, Im not sure it should return those results anyway... $ df df: `/var/named/chroot/etc/named': Permission denied df: `/var/named/chroot/var/named': Permission denied df:...
Jeffrey L. Roberts's user avatar
-1 votes
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Disk space usage per owner, group or user

I am writing a small tool in which I need to find per-user, owner or group File-system-memory-usage. There is no quotas for each one, so all of them works under the same HDFS parameters in the ...
TheStromp's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Parse df output by columns

I'm having difficulty extracting the Filesystem and Mounted on columns from the df ouput. $df -Hl Results in Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity iused ifree %...
Dan's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

df says there is no free space, but there is free space

df shows there is no free space, but it also shows there is only 7,9/21G used. Filesystem Size Used Avail. Used% Mount path -> /dev/simfs 21G 7,9G 0 100% / devtmpfs 2,0G ...
Florian's user avatar
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Wrong available storage reported for mac os

The available space on my Macbook Air is not getting reported correctly. Hard disk capacity is 120GB out of which 17GB is getting reported as available space when I check HD info. When I see in ...
Ranjan's user avatar
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Why does the output of `lsblk` and `df -h` seem to conflict?

I'm trying to create a directory /mnt/data that will be mounted on to /dev/mapper/centos-home, since that's the biggest partition. The output of lsblk looks like this: NAME MAJ:MIN RM ...
Marcus Buffett's user avatar

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