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Questions tagged [arguments]

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2 answers

Too much arguments shown when used LOOKUP

I'm using formula LOOKUP in EXCEL 2013 as shown below: =LOOKUP(1,0/(($B3=Master!$A:$A)*(F$2=Master!$B:$B)),Master!$C:$C,"") But now it's jump out said I entered too many arguments for this ...
Alicia Phua Wan Chien's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

BBEDIT multi-fil search : how to add "OR" argument in the find window?

Hi trying out latest BBedit on Ventura Apple silicon. Have been wrapping my head around the (im)possibility to search for different strings at once in the find window, in order to have each occurrence ...
istackoverflow's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

I am trying to make a formula in excel using if blank statement for multiple cells. Possibly two different arguments

My current formula is =IF(ISBLANK(J2),M2*AB2, IF(J2>1, AC2)) Important to note my formula in M2 is =IF(ISBLANK(L2),"",L2-G2) AB2=250 AC2= 550 The code runs as G2 gets a delivery date ...
Christina's user avatar
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Excel Conditional Formatting - Using Formula as Part of a Cell Reference

I am trying to use conditional formatting to highlight a cell if it is blank and a cell in the first column of the same row is not blank. For example, if the conditional formatting is for cell D4, I ...
Anon's user avatar
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Too Many Arguments

I want to add at the end of this statement if(al2="", today()-ak2,"not enough info to calc), but I am getting a "too many arguments" message. Can anyone help me? I think that ...
Kimberly Yox's user avatar
1 vote
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Zsh: Passing multiple arguments to command (ls) from a variable ($LS_OPTIONS)

I am trying to customize ls command adding arguments to $LS_OPTIONS The ls alias and LS_OPTIONS are defined in the default config file: export LS_OPTIONS='--color=auto' ... alias ls='ls $LS_OPTIONS' ...
nadapez's user avatar
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Is there a way to pass an ffmpeg command from a text file in Windows?

I was wondering if there was a way to pass one (or multiple) arguments from a text file for ffmpeg. I tried a bit here with this in powershell (expecting it to work like linux but to no avail ffmpeg -...
Jean's user avatar
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How do I pass arguments to `youtube-dl.exe`

I have newly installed youtube-dl.exe How do I pass arguments to it that normally appear as and also headers that appear as -H Without change this gives an error: is not ...
user113823's user avatar
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On Windows 10 taskbar, can I make multiple entries having different launch arguments to same exe?

One of the limitations of the post-xp Taskbar (and Start menu) is that the entries are keyed only on the exe file, and any exe can only have one entry. That means that unlike shortcuts, you can’t have ...
Charlweed's user avatar
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Too many arguments with IF (another one!)

I have a very complex set of arguments. I can get my spreadsheet to partially work but not fully and have to use an additional column and make manual adjustments. If anyone could help me just have a ...
Joanne's user avatar
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Run an exe from batch file with parameters

My younger brother loves to play a game on Sega Emulator: Gens.exe He uses some cheats as well in the game-genie section of the emulator. Opening game rom and adding cheats later on, is difficult for ...
McFly's user avatar
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in CMD using Start to run another program, How do I pass along parameters to the called program?

I want to call another program and return while it is running I can use this start /MIN "Updating Local Utilities" UPutils ^&^& exit and that works great. But I want to pass ...
WithaKay's user avatar
1 vote
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compiling ffmpeg with fixed arguments? [closed]

I would like to compile ffmpeg with fixed arguments, ie: ffmpeg -i rtsp://localhost/live -vcodec copy -acodec copy -f flv rtmp://remotehost/live I can't for security reasons call it from an external ...
netlink netlink's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Can we skip a argument in the (%*)?

How can I skip an argument like %~1 in the %*? @echo off title cls :loop set /p command= call :command %command% goto :loop :command if "%~1"=="title"( %~1 %* ) goto :eof I'm ...
Hüseyin Teoman Deniz's user avatar
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1 answer

PowerShell: How to get the name of the selected file?

I run a PowerShell script from the context menu on a selected file. But I struggle to find the way to simply get the file name of this file. The file name selected is 1.mp3 which is inside the ...
J. Does's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to pass multiple arguments?

How to pass multiple paramaters for Start a program action in Windows Task Scheduler for a batch file? There's no built-in syntax hint...
Nae's user avatar
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2 answers

bash script: passing arguments to mkfs

I'm writing a bash script to format my partitions. One of the commands I want to run is the following: mkfs.btrfs -f -m single -L root /dev/sda1 So I have split that command into the options part: -...
coverflower's user avatar
2 votes
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Dynamic Arguments for Task Scheduler

I am trying to schedule a task that runs a command with dynamic arguments. So for example, instead of the word "Arguments" at the end of the command below, I need to pass the following arguments: ...
Ramin Melikov's user avatar
1 vote
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Using the "%~dp0" with command line arguments not working

Been concocting a deployment script for a software, which needs to install Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable, in silent mode, from a moving source (aka, the folder might be on a key, on a server, ...
Alex Pilon's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

How to use the command "read" on a Shell script which reads its arguments from stdin

First of all, thank you for your help in advance and sorry in case this was answered before. I have not been able to find it. For helping to understand my question, I have written the following ...
Lucas's user avatar
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how to pass path 'cd' portions to a shell function?

I'm trying something like this: function projects(){ cd; cd Documents/projects/$1; } but it doesn't work. What I'd like is to pass the name of the folder to add to the base path (so resulting in,...
Luca Reghellin's user avatar
2 votes
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List of arguments for scheduled task

When you edit the action of a Scheduled Task, there's the option of "Add arguments". The software I use right now has the argument -cp .\Acquisition.Jar et.EPC I've been googling for a while and ...
loli's user avatar
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3 answers

How to receive a parameter in a batch file

I have asked a question, Use an environment variable to point to an "Open With" program, which received a fantastic answer. To add myapp.exe, residing in %MYAPPSDIR%, to the Open With ...
sancho.s ReinstateMonicaCellio's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How to handle the arguments flags for an .exe file? [closed]

Suppose that I'm using a program with a login page. And lets call it a.exe. Whenever I execute a.exe I face a login page with empty fields such as Username, Password, Application Server, Database ...
ybaylav's user avatar
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6 votes
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Why does the ls command require a dash before its parameters but for tar command, the dash is optional?

I am new to Ubuntu and I am trying hard to understand the command line. When I want to see the contents of a tar file I use: tar tf tarfile.tar But when I want to see a listing of all file if I ...
Dianne's user avatar
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Passing different set of arguments to the different commands in a linux bash script

I am writing a bash script that runs too commands bar with first input argument, and baz with the second argument: #! /bin/bash bar "$1" baz "$2" Now I want to make more flexible, ...
Ali's user avatar
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Batch arguments for SSH Secure Shell in Windows 7?

I installed SSH Secure Shell to connect to my remote server, and I want to automate the process of updating my website. I was going to make a batch script to automatically push and pull from my site ...
Maurdekye's user avatar
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How can I convince an older person to at least **try** to learn how to use a PC? [closed]

I have no clue if this is the right forum. My father who is in his mid 50's basically always asks me to fix things, help him with random IT related things. It is definitely fine to help, but most of ...
dyesdyes's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

How can I run an application with arguments from Windows Explorer?

Is there an easy way to launch an application from Windows Explorer with arguments? Or do I have to actually run them from the command line?
ajb32x's user avatar
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Command line 7Zip to extract file by specified result path

Is it possible to make 7Zip extract one file by name from archive to specified full path (including new filename)? I've found only: 7zip e <archive> -o<resultDirectory> <filemask> ...
SerG's user avatar
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Command line 7Zip to create archive without extension

If I specify full extensionless result path 7zip adds one corresponding to the type of created archive. How can I make it name the result file exactly as I have specified in command line argument?
SerG's user avatar
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DOS .bat script not passing on arguments

We have a problem on one PC, which seems not to be honouring arguments in .bat scripts, i.e. not passing them on to invoked python scripts. It works fine on 10 or so other very similar machines. We ...
Clare Macrae's user avatar
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How woulld I add $OPTARGs from one arg to an array

So I'm trying to add values from an optarg to an array. I've got: arrays=() while getopts a: args; do case $args in a) arrays+=$OPTARG;; esac done echo $arrays[@] When I run the script, ./...
Harry's user avatar
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How to create a desktop shortcut from a batch file

I know there are many posts on this issue but there is a minor twist to what I need to do. I can figure out how to create a shortcut with an argument like this: "C:\Program Files\My App\App.exe" /s ...
Morten Kahr's user avatar
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Why does my Bash script display the "too many arguments" error at the cp command?

Here is my script, I get the error "line 33: [: too many arguments", I'm confused why, surely only 2 arguments are being provided to cp here? I am providing two directories to the script with no ...
Mike's user avatar
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How to pass a variable to a WMI query run in a batch file?

I want to run the following in a batch file and prompt the user to enter "NewUserID", then insert it as a variable. Can this be done with WMI? wmic useraccount where name='user'call rename name='...
Dianda's user avatar
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how to put my arguments into a Bash alias command?

i usually have the following simple alias in my bashrc: alias g="grep --color=always --exclude-dir=\*.svn\*" but now i have to work on systems that only have GNU grep 2.5, hence no --exclude-dir ...
gcb's user avatar
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9 answers

Can I use pipe output as a shell script argument?

Suppose I have a bash shell script called that need one argument as input. But I want the content of the text file called text.txt to be that argument. I have tried this but it does not ...
Narin's user avatar
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Opening and passing arguments to an application using a shell script on a Mac

I am trying to write a shell script on a Mac which opens RIATest and passes it parameters. My code is: #!/bin/bash echo THIS TEST!!! open -a '/Applications/RIATest 4/' --args /b /r /e 5 ...
Kevin Doherty's user avatar
2 votes
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Why is Excel showing 'c' as the arg separator for fomulas?

In Excel 2007, I have a cell with "=if(true,1,0)" as the contents. If I hit the ENTER key I get an error dialog which says, "The formula you typed contains an error." The flyover help for ...
Kelly S. French's user avatar
7 votes
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How to preserve white space in Bash arguments

I use the command: cm1 cm2 arg1 arg2 'argument 3' It first goes to cm1, which will then redirect arg1 arg2 'argument 3' to another file. /usr/bin/cm1: #! /bin/bash # some script here shift cm2 $@ ...
François ッ Vespa ت's user avatar
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option -f for linux command

this is the content of test file: this this this that is that a that MAP that map that when I do uniq testCase -f1, the result is: this this this that which is reasonable, but if ...
user avatar
25 votes
4 answers

zip: Argument list too long (80.000 files in overall)

I need to compress 80.000 files into multiple zip files. This is the command I use: zip -s 200M photos_test/* However I get the following error: -bash: /usr/bin/zip: Argument list too long What ...
aneuryzm's user avatar
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28 votes
9 answers

How to pass an argument to a Windows Scheduled Task with spaces in it

I need to set up a Windows Scheduled Task. It accepts 1 parameter/argument which is a path and can contain spaces. My Scheduled task does not work - it "breaks" the parameter up at the first space. ...
Rodney's user avatar
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Is there a Unix Find command generation web page

I use to refer to a web page that use to generate unix find command line options based on option that I select in the form. Unfortunately I lost the book mark and not able to recollect it. Does any ...
Prashant Bhate's user avatar
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When switching to another doc, Function Argument window disappears?

I have problem with Excel 2007 when using VLOOKUP function. After switching to another document for referencing value in "Table_array" field, window dissapears. Google finds some results about the ...
user avatar
2 votes
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Use default options when compiling ports

I am compiling a few ports on FreeBSD, however during the compiling process I am often greeted with options for the dependencies of the port. This causes the compiling process to pause until I select (...
Ben's user avatar
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101 votes
4 answers

Start Google Chrome on Mac with command line switches

I've read you can start Google Chrome in kiosk mode in Windows by using the argument --kiosk. I know how to do this on Windows, but how can I do this on Mac OS X? And how can I run Google Chrome ...
alex's user avatar
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Writing this Bash Script to accept Arguments?

How would I go about converting this bash script: mkdir /store/sftp/%USERNAME% sudo useradd -d /incoming %USERNAME% sudo passwd %USERNAME% ## Password needs to be typed or passed in here sudo ...
Urda's user avatar
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7 votes
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Call but not download a page with wget

I was wondering if there was any argument that allowed me to use wget and "call" a page, but without downloading the page. The problem is that when you call wget on a page, it downloads it to the ...
Andreas Grech's user avatar