I have a very complex set of arguments. I can get my spreadsheet to partially work but not fully and have to use an additional column and make manual adjustments. If anyone could help me just have a single column that would be brilliant!!

I would like a single column for the status of a project. Currently I use 2.

In the first column 'Current Status' the formula is:

=IF(D2="","",IF(D2>TODAY(),"Not due to start",IF(E2="","Due; start not confirmed",IF(G2="","Ongoing",IF(LEFT(C2,3)="Yes","Abandoned / Renounced","Completed")))))

In the second column 'Finish Due' the formula is:

=IF(F3="","",IF(F3>TODAY(),"",IF(G3="","Due to complete; follow-up needed","")))

When I try to incorporate the formula from Column 2 into Column 1, I get the error message of 'too many arguments'. Is there any way around this please?

picture of spreadsheet

  • Not much one can try with a picture, is there? I would go for a function written in basic. Commented Nov 13, 2020 at 9:49
  • How about using additional columns (which you can then hide) to partially calculate the result? That way the formulae for your final cell will be a lot simpler.
    – Richard
    Commented Nov 13, 2020 at 10:46
  • Please edit your post to show the formula giving the error message. Too many arguments probably means you've got more than three arguments in a single IF(), which means you've made a mistake while combining them. Commented Nov 13, 2020 at 11:37
  • Thank you! I have gone for the hidden additional column option which seems to have worked.
    – Joanne
    Commented Nov 13, 2020 at 15:18


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