I have setup a filezilla server and I can manage to access it locally with the filezilla client. When I am trying to access it from different PC I got the following error:

Status: Connecting to IP:Port...

Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...

Status: Insecure server, it does not support FTP over TLS.

Status: Connected

Status: Retrieving directory listing...

Command: PWD

Response: 257 "/" is current directory.

Command: TYPE I

Response: 200 Type set to I

Command: PASV

Command: MLSD

Response: 425 Can't open data connection for transfer of "/"

Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

Any idea what I am doing wrong in server setup?

EDIT: WHat I try was to follow that instructions. THe whole log file:

Status: Connecting to
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Status: Insecure server, it does not support FTP over TLS.
Status: Connected
Status: Retrieving directory listing...
Command:    PWD
Response:   257 "/" is current directory.
Command:    TYPE I
Response:   200 Type set to I
Command:    PASV
Response:   227 Entering Passive Mode (195,251,117,149,211,92)
Command:    MLSD
Response:   425 Can't open data connection for transfer of "/"
Error:  Failed to retrieve directory listing

I tried to downgrade filezilla client from 3.14 to 3.8 however I received the same error as well as when I tried to turn off firewall from server PC.

  • Is your question about the Insecure message, or the fact that you can't list the files? Because they are two different things. Are you also using the FileZilla client on the "different PC"? Is the "different PC" in the same LAN as the server? What adjustments did you make (if any) to the firewall on the FTP server machine? Commented Nov 9, 2015 at 17:18
  • Is this a log file from FileZilla FTP client? You must be using some ancient version. The FileZilla uses EPSV instead of PASV for ages. Commented Nov 9, 2015 at 18:01
  • Anyway, show us a corresponding log file from the server. Commented Nov 9, 2015 at 18:01
  • 1
    Also I'm missing a response to the PASV command. It's rather strange. Did you redact the log? I guess so. Can you show us a complete log instead? Commented Nov 9, 2015 at 18:02
  • Though I'd guess this is a common firewall/NAT issue. Commented Nov 9, 2015 at 18:02

1 Answer 1


That is not an error, it's a notification. You have chosen to use FTP over port 21, which is not encrypted and thus someone listening on the network can try to catch your login and see what you download. In a local network this all might make no difference if you trust the computers connected.

If that is not good enough, you can use SFTP or FTP over TLS, or SSH, which are all encrypted. If you want to use those, open the proper ports on the server, configure Filezilla to use the proper service and port, and disable FTP. Then connect to the server with a client that supports such connections. The Filezilla client is of course a good choice to use at the other computer.


The security message is like "you're using the dirt road - the highway is safer to drive". It has nothing to do with listing the files. You probably set the wrong folder in the server settings.

See How to Host an FTP Server on Windows with FileZilla.

You need to set the folder, create a user, link both and set the rights for that user (uploading, downloading, deleting).

  • However I am not able to access the directory and to see the files inside from other PC.
    – Jose Ramon
    Commented Nov 9, 2015 at 16:20
  • @JoseRamon - Verify if the server is configured to only accept secure FTP connections or not.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Nov 9, 2015 at 16:29
  • @JoseRamon If your question is about "Insecure server, it does not support FTP over TLS", then this answer is (mostly) correct -- except it's the client issuing the Status messages shown, not the server. Commented Nov 9, 2015 at 17:21
  • My basic question is why I cant access to the list of folders from the client.
    – Jose Ramon
    Commented Nov 9, 2015 at 19:59
  • @JoseRamon If that's your question, you should put that in your question title, instead of the "Insecure server, it does not support FTP over TLS". Commented Nov 10, 2015 at 7:11

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