Since there don't seem to be any video players with a seamless loop, I've been opening my webms through Firefox since the webm player is capable of seamless looping. Problem is every time I open a webm I have to manually edit the video tag in the html through the element inspector. I want to find this file and edit it directly so that I can save it and keep it that way. But I don't see any obvious way to do that and it's proven a tricky task to string together the right keywords in the right order on google.

Any thoughts?

1 Answer 1


There is no HTML file which one can edit to change the looping, this would have to be edited in source, and recompiled. Source Code. This is done by adding the line element->SetLoop(true); around line 110. Function Definition.

If you'd prefer not to edit source, from https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/993718, javascript:var vids=document.getElementsByTagName("video"); for (i=0; i<vids.length; i++) vids[i].setAttribute("loop", "true"); void 0; can be saved as a bookmarklet to be run; or WhatIsThisImNotGoodWithComputers, on GitHub, has created a GreaseMonkey Script which automates the loop attribute setting.

  • Brilliant response Logan. You answered my question, offered three alternative solutions, and assumed nothing about my knowledge. Thank you! Commented Nov 10, 2015 at 17:51
  • I decided to go with the user script engine, because I imagine I'll have several uses for such a solution in the future. I installed grease monkey, installed the script from the link you gave me. Grease monkey notified me that the script installed correctly and I gave it a go bu loading a webm I had handy. It isn't working though. So I examined the script myself. Turns out it's exactly the same as the script you offered in your answer as a bookmarklet solution. So I'm guessing I'm just doing something wrong, because everything else seems to be in order. Commented Nov 10, 2015 at 18:11
  • The GitHub page mentions that enabling GreaseMonkey on local pages requires a change in Firefox's configuration: Link Commented Nov 10, 2015 at 18:13

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