On one of our user's computers (on Windows 7, Folder Options -> View), I see things like

"Don't show hidden, files, folders or drives-ON" (which is selected)
"Show hidden files, folders, and drives-OFF"

Usually I would see just

"Don't show hidden, files, folders or drives" (which is selected)
"Show hidden files, folders, and drives"

All options in View all have "-ON" or "-OFF" appended. I've never seen this before, but a few other people on the web seem to have this. All the Google-Fu I try only gives me directions on how to find Folder Options and enable specific items.

I have looked under Ease of Access Center because it smacks of this, but I can't find an option for this there. I have tried the "Restore Defaults" button in the Folder Options -> View, but this doesn't help either.

Does anywhere know where this option comes from and/or how it can be changed?

I'm a little extra concerned because I just dealt with a virus on this machine.

1 Answer 1


Does anywhere know where this option comes from and/or how it can be changed?

These options appear when you have the Magnifier turned on.

To remove them turn off the Magnifier:

  • Windows Key > "Control Panel" > "All Control Panel Items" > "Ease of Access Center" > "Make the computer easier to see".

  • Uncheck "Turn on Magnifier".

  • Click "OK".

  • You may have to close and reopen the Explorer "Folder Options" dialog to see the changes.

enter image description here

  • Never would have guessed it came from that. Of course, my user had magnifier hidden, although it was on. Thanks!
    – uniquegeek
    Commented Nov 2, 2015 at 18:15
  • You're welcome. Searching for "windows 7 folder options append with on or off" gave me the answer ;)
    – DavidPostill
    Commented Nov 2, 2015 at 18:20

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