I have chrome opening in kiosk mode - I added the --kiosk flag to the chrome shortcut which works as expected.

We would now like to have the browser re-direct to www.MyDomain.com after x minutes of inactivity on any page/tab.

The kiosk allows browsing of our intranet and the internet. Our issue is we don't want users for example browsing to YouTube (or any other www website) and then walking away. I realise I can use javascript to redirect pages on our local intranet, but what about the internet?

I have tried Kiosk here which does exactly what we require but the swipe left/right gestures don't seem to work for page navigation using our Dell s2240's (already contacted the developer via github).

I have also tried Tab Wrangler which doesn't meet our requirements.

Any suggestions?


1 Answer 1


A simple chrome extension/addon should do the trick: Idle Reset.

Source: Mad Google-fu skills

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