In my Lenovo Yoga 13 (Windows 8.0), when I set airplane mode switch:

  • switched on

     Bluetooth: disabled
         Wi-Fi: disabled
  • switched off

     Bluetooth: re-enabled
         Wi-Fi: no effect (remains disabled)

So I always need to go re-enable Wi-Fi manually in Wireless settings.

Is there any way to make Airplane mode switch re-enable also the Wi-Fi adapter?

It looks it could be a problem with ACPI interface.

  • sounds like a setting you'd have to set in the registry. may want to do some googles including registry in your search...
    – VenomFangs
    Commented Sep 22, 2015 at 21:02

1 Answer 1


I saw this problem with a lot of Yoga devices in the Lenovo forum.

Here is a list of possible solution you could try which I found there:

  1. Update Wireless and Wireless button driver (from Lenovo only).
  2. If this problem was not there before, then see if resetting PC works.
  3. If there's really a hardware lock then see if updating BIOS works.
  4. Contact Lenovo for support.

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