If I schedule chkdsk to run on restart:

chkdsk C: /F /X

No results are reported in event log after chkdsk is run (used Ctrl-F -> chkdsk to find it).

Is anyone else seeing this ?

UPDATE It seems there are text log files in C:\System Volume Information\Chkdsk*.log - did they stop moving them to Event log ? All resources on the web say that chkdsk will be recorded in event log under wininit process.

  • 1
    Mine showed as event id 1001 (Wininit) in Event Viewer>Windows Logs>Application
    – Moab
    Commented Sep 21, 2015 at 17:51

3 Answers 3


I have just tested the same method as you and reviewed results. If I open Event Viewer and navigate to Windows Logs > Applications I can find the desired results.

The event ID I received was 26213 and 26212. Following this, I was able to run a standard custom filter:

I cannot post an image. I would imagine you can make a custom filter by yourself anyway to prove this. It may be benefitial to see if the logs have anything to do with the above EventID's or you may need to search for a list of ID's (the parameters are logged with different ID's I believe)

Here is a powershell script you can run to locate the file, then paste it to your desktop.

get-winevent -FilterHashTable @{logname="Application"; id="26212"}| ?{$_.providername –match "CHKDSK"} | fl timecreated, message | out-file Desktop\CHKDSKResults.txt

I can confirm that the source is not wininit anymore, but Chkdsk itself.

Let me know if I have covered everything. I am sure someone here will correct me if I am wrong.

  • get-winevent : No events were found that match the specified selection criteria. Weird. Commented Sep 20, 2015 at 15:29
  • This is because it searching for an event ID of 26212. Open up your event viewer and find CHKDSK. Alternatively just remove the parameter to search by event ID.
    – DankyNanky
    Commented Sep 21, 2015 at 0:21
  • I tried searching for chkdsk in the beginning (see above). Commented Sep 21, 2015 at 0:45
  • @MarcinWisnicki What OS are you running? Also, scheduling may be logged in a different matter. This would be something to look into. Unfortunately I've just tried on 4 Windows PC and am able to find it. I'll come back to this once I have an update.
    – DankyNanky
    Commented Sep 21, 2015 at 0:47
  • 1
    The name of the OS is in the subject of the posting and in tags :) Commented Sep 21, 2015 at 0:54

chkdsk C: /F /X

Its still wininit on my W10 PC, event id 1001

enter image description here


solution, which worked for me:

clear ALL Windows-event logs, run chkdsk again, wininit throws its message again into event log.


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