So this is the Service

Shitty svchost.exe

Here's what happens after I press "go to services"

What it goes to


2 Answers 2


Windows Update Client for Windows 7: June 2015 (KB3050265) contains a fix for the issue that Zee is having with netsvcs, I’m not sure how effective it really is across the board but I’ve had success on multiple installs. The problem that Matthew is having looks to be different judging by the second screenshot; without looking into it further it's hard to say, but I’d give the fix from Microsoft a try before troubleshooting further.

  • this pictures shows that WindowsUpdate is not started by this svchost.exe Commented Sep 15, 2015 at 4:32
  • After I installed this, it fixed my issue as well. Commented Sep 15, 2015 at 22:15
  • if it is fixed, mark the reply as answer. Commented Sep 16, 2015 at 15:45
  • you rock, I dont understand why this answer has so very low points, you deserve a 10000+ Commented Mar 27, 2016 at 20:28

This has been happening to me, and a lot of people I know. You can remedy to it (until your next reboot) by going to the Resource Monitor (Task Manager > Performance Tab > Resource Monitor) and right clicking the svchost.exe (netsvc) service, and analyze the wait chain :

enter image description here

Ending both processes should fix it. Until you restart your computer, and have to remedy to it again once it happens. I apologize for not knowing why is this happening, it's especially suspicious since it's not just a few people that are suffering from it.

  • I tried doing this and it said that "Svchost.exe is working normally" Commented Sep 13, 2015 at 5:22
  • Is the netsvcs service the one taking up all your memory too? Or another one? Is that one working normally?
    – Zee
    Commented Sep 13, 2015 at 5:26
  • netsvcs? It's just the svchost one. Commented Sep 13, 2015 at 5:44
  • Svchost is short for service host, it hosts different services (if you look in my picture, you'll see 9 different services under the same process svchost.exe) you just need to stop the service that takes up all your memory.
    – Zee
    Commented Sep 13, 2015 at 6:00

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