In Windows 10, one selects scaling level for each monitor separately. In Windows 8.1, you could disable that by checking Let me choose one scaling level for all my displays (screenshot in this question). How can you do that in Windows 10?

Background: I have a laptop, which I occasionally connect to various projectors / big monitors in various conference rooms. Some of these projectors have suggested scaling values of 150% which I don't like. Currently I mark each new projector as 100% (which requires logoff/logon to take effect), and I would like to avoid that.

2 Answers 2

  1. Open the Control Panel
  2. Head to Hardware and Sound and then Display
  3. Click on the Set a custom scaling level link in the text.

control Panel - Display - Win 10

  1. Adjust and apply until satisfied.

More info

  • 2
    Yep, this works. Note just setting the custom scaling level to 100% (and signout+signin) didn't change anything - I had to set to 125%, signout+signin, change back to 100%, signout+signin, and then it worked.
    – Jonathan
    Commented Sep 16, 2015 at 8:32

Try setting a custom scaling level as described here. No idea if that sticks for new displays but it's worth a shot.

  • 1
    Do no provide only a link in an answer, you should post the relevant information in blackquoted text because links could eventually expire. Commented Sep 10, 2015 at 13:46

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