There is an option in control panel-->sound-->record devices, named AGC (Automatic Gain Control).
AGC is helpful for me to improve audio quality. Without it, I need to be close to my microphone.
The problem is that every time I restart my computer, this setting always resets to OFF (unchecked), so I need to set it after each boot. This is really annoying.

I use Windows 10 64bit with Realtech HD audio driver.

What can I do to make ACG on by default after each boot?

  • same problem here. @InBug Have you found a solution yet? Commented Mar 11, 2017 at 7:45
  • Where do you have the AGC setting? I want to turn it off on my PC but can't find it. Commented Aug 11, 2020 at 23:15

1 Answer 1

  • Goto Control panel
  • Open Sound
  • Click on Recording tab! recording tab
  • select your mic and click the properties button on the bottom.
  • Set your mic's ACG to enable enter image description here
  • Uncheck the Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device

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