I have a shell script specific for a project which create environment variables, aliases and run some commands.

I want to create a tmux session for this project which will source my shell script when creating a new pane or window in the tmux session.

How can I specify tmux to source a file or run command in every new panes or windows of a specific session?

1 Answer 1


Set the default-command option for the session to run your shell (I'll assume it is bash) with the --rcfile option to use your shell script as the initialization file

set-option -g default-command "bash --rcfile yourscript.sh"

Since --rcfile replaces .bashrc, you add source .bashrc to the beginning of yourscript.sh. If you would ordinarily start a login shell in a tmux window, add source .bash_profile instead.

To have separate default commands for different sessions, you need to create the session first, then set its default command.

tmux new-session -s projectA
tmux set-option -s -t projectA default-command "bash --rcfile projectA.sh"

You might want to define a shell function to simplify setting up a new session, something like

new_session () {
    tmux new-session -s "$1"
    tmux set-option -s -t "$1" default-command "bash --rcfile $1.sh"
  • Thank you for the answer but how can I have different default-command according on the name of the session created with tmux new-session -s name? I'd like to have one default-command using projectA.sh if I run tmux new-session -s projectA and another default-commandusing projectB.sh if I run tmux new-session -s projectB
    – jmlrt
    Commented Aug 29, 2015 at 21:55
  • See the documentation for set-option; you should be able to specify the session you want change the default command for.
    – chepner
    Commented Aug 30, 2015 at 15:55
  • The man page of tmux doesn't help me. I can't configure session option to source a script. Here are my config files: - .tmux.conf: set-option -s -t "projectA" default-command "bash --rcfile projectA.sh"
    – jmlrt
    Commented Aug 31, 2015 at 20:38
  • Here are my config files: - .tmux.conf: set-option -s -t "projectA" default-command "bash --rcfile projectA.sh" - projectA.sh: export ENV="A" export PROJECT="~/projectA" alias cdproject="cd $PROJECT" If I run tmuxwithout parameter option: /root/.tmux.conf:1: session not found: projectA /root/.tmux.conf:1: couldn't set 'default-command'
    – jmlrt
    Commented Aug 31, 2015 at 20:45

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