I installed windows 10 two days ago. First day, it worked fine, but now, when I right click on taskbar icons, or try to open start menu, or left click on Volume, Network or Time icon on right side of taskbar, it does nothing. I have tried many things like: Restarting my PC. Restarting my taskbar. Scanning my PC.

Please give me some suggestions or i am comming back to windows 8 :p

1 Answer 1


I looked around a little bit and it could be that one of your previously installed Shell-Extensions cause Problems here. You could try the following:

  1. Download and install CCleaner. (You should select the free version)
  2. When you finished installing, open CCleaner and go to Tools > Startup > Context Menu.
  3. Deactivate all Items by selecting everything ([Ctrl] + A) and clicking the "Disable"-Button on the right.
  4. Reactivate the the Items one by one and after each reactivated entry, try testing if the rightclick is working again.

I once had the same problem and this method worked perfectly fine. I just left the causing entry deactivated. Hope this helps.

  • I guess you got around that Problem by now... If I'm honest: I didn't really look at the Date :/ Commented Mar 23, 2016 at 23:06

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