ive been looking for help to solve my issue for a week now ( since my windows 10 upgrade from win 8.1 ) and i do not want to do a clean install unless it is totally the last resource available, so i hope someone has come with the issue and found a way to solve it.

I was running Windows 8.1 with external monitor via HDMI, sound and video worked flawlessly, but when i upgraded my system to windows 10, i noticed my monitor wont reproduce the audio, Windows is showing audio activity, and my device (HDMI) is set as default in sound properties, another thing i noticed is that video (youtube) starts to stutter when HDMI audio is selected, everything is corrected when i switch back to laptop speakers, audio returns and video starts playing fine.

Ive tried so far the following troubleshoot solutions:

-Unistall sound device -Reinstall sound drivers -Disable/Enable device from device manager -Downgrade drivers -Windows Sound Troubleshooting -Plug/ unplug monitor

The most strange thing about this issue is that it happends only with a cold boot, when i boot my system see no sound and video stutter, i reboot, and sound is on again, and video plays ok, but if i shutdown, and boot again it gets all wrong again. I also have a friend with same setup as mine, and everything is working fine, no issues at all.

My machine is a Lenovo Y50 (16GB ram, i7-4710HQ (intel HD4600), and Geforce GTX860m)

Hope someone can help me, im totally frustrated now.

1 Answer 1


I've got the solution! Disable Hyper V from Windows Features! It will work like a charm!


Following Mokubai's suggestion, I want to add the post where the solution is provided.

Unfortunatly I can't provide more infos on how Hyper-V interacts with HDMI audio (I'm not skilled enough).

  • It would be nice if you could edit your answer to include information on why this answers the question. How did you find out that this was the problem and solution? What exactly does disabling it do that fixes the problem?
    – Mokubai
    Commented Oct 6, 2015 at 19:29
  • Amazing leo !!! works like a charm...
    – Jav T
    Commented Oct 6, 2015 at 19:39
  • Glad it helped you!
    – leotato008
    Commented Oct 7, 2015 at 14:52

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