This is a bit of a long shot, but what would be the best way of getting ssh to, if a connection fails, run a command, and then retry to connect.

To share my use case, I am ssh-ing over an ssh tunnel to access a computer behind a firewall, meaning in my ~/.ssh/config is:

Host tunnel

Host target
    HostName localhost
    Port 2003

and in order for ssh target to work, I would need to first have ssh -N -L 2003:localhost:22 tunnel being executed in the background. I've resolved to doing this with a single command: screen -d -m ssh -N -L 2003:localhost:22 tunnel.

It's not too annoying to run that command when ssh target fails, but it would be nice if ssh could somehow automatically run it when the connection fails.

  • Already answered in a similar question here Commented Jul 29, 2015 at 14:43

1 Answer 1


Much better solution then tunnelling is using ProxyCommand, as described here: Forward SSH traffic through a middle machine

To match your use case:

Host tunnel
Host target
  HostName localhost
  Port 2003
  ProxyCommand ssh tunnel -W %h:%p


  ProxyCommand ssh tunnel nc %h %p

Then doing just ssh target does everything for you.


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