I have the P6T7 WS motherboard (https://www.asus.com/Motherboards/P6T7_WS_SuperComputer/) and wanted to install 4x 4TB drives as a RAID 10 on the ICH10R Serial ATA connectors (6 times) ,

I have also a marvell SAS controller with two SAS connectors on board.

Where should I then add my boot SSD disk (SATA) ?

  • also to the 5/6 connector on the ICH10R Serial ATA connectors , is this possible since all 6 SATA connectors run in RAID mode?
  • or can I plug it to one of the two SAS connectors?

I tried connecting the SSD to the SAS connectors which did not recognize the drive, so far...

How can I use the SSD with this configuration?

2 Answers 2


Have you RTFM'd?


On page 4-46 it states that the ICH10R only supports 4 disks in RAID mode -

The utility supports maximum four hard disk drives for RAID configuration

On page 4-50 it states that the SAS controller only supports 2 SAS disks

  1. Install two internal SAS hard disk drives to the SAS connectors labelled SAS1/2
  • Thanks for beeing polite: Of course I have the FM on my desk, and I read it: So is it possible to have the SSD at the 5th port, and the other 4 drives in RAID mode?. I assume that works
    – Gabriel
    Commented Jul 22, 2015 at 15:47
  • Have you tried it? The way I read it is that it wouldn't. It states all 6 ports will be RAID mode if the controller is in RAID mode, it also states that only 4 ports can work in RAID mode. The 2 seem mutually exclusive unfortunately.
    – Shevek
    Commented Jul 22, 2015 at 19:20

Ok, folks, i tried it, and this setup worked:

2 320gb SATA HDs in Raid 0/1/5/10 (Intel Matrix Storage Manager (the newer name for this is Intel Rapid Storage Technique) => this is a BIOS RAID! (CPU is still used!)

with an additional SSD on the third connector of the Intel ICH10R Serial ATA connectors on NON-RAID mode

So it is no problem to attach non-raid SATA disks additionally :-)

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