Under Environment Variables, I set the path to sample.exe.

I appended the System variable PATH with,

C:\Program Files(x86)\Sample

The sample.exe is in the Sample folder.

Still, I get the above error message. Where did I go wrong?

Thanks in advance!

  • Need more information what was the value you appended to the PATH Environment variable ? Did you close and open a new cmd window ? If not, do that first. Commented Jul 22, 2015 at 9:43
  • Yes. I did close and tried in a newly opened cmd window. It didn't work. Commented Jul 22, 2015 at 9:48

2 Answers 2


Perhaps this is just a typographical error but you have a quotation mark at the end of your path and none at the beginning.

You are also missing a space in the path Program Files_(x86).

  • I was missing a space in Program Files<space>(x86). Thank you @qasdfdsaq Commented Jul 22, 2015 at 10:54

In all MS-DOS style related paths and commands you should use "", because otherwise special characters including spaces will not be correctly interpreted.

So instead of something like

C:\Program files

always use

"C:\Program files".

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