I prefer using typographical quotation marks when possible, so I love the Smart Quotes part of Snow Leopard’s text replacement feature. But there are a few cases in which I need to toggle it, and it’s a pain to do so from the contextual menu when I’m typing.

Is there any way (preferably via AppleScript, but I can deal with other suggestions) to toggle specific types of text replacement for the frontmost text-input control? And if so, what’s a good way to assign it to a globally-accessible keyboard shortcut (via 3rd-party app if necessary)?

1 Answer 1


You can assign a keyboard shortcut to the menu item Edit » Substitutions » Smart Quotes via System Preferences » Keyboard » Keyboard Shortcuts » Application Shortcuts.

alt text

The menu item title should be unique enough that this works in (almost) all applications. Screenshot of TextEdit after defining this:

alt text

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