When I run a shell script in bash, I push everything to a file as follows:

./script.sh >results.txt

Some of the commands in my script output to the terminal, rather than the text file.

For example, the line cmd "ssh -V" outputs to the terminal.

What can I do to get the results in the results.txt file?

2 Answers 2


The stderr is not redirected to the file. Most probably you need

./script.sh > results.txt 2>&1

to redirect both to results.txt. Note that

./script.sh 2>&1 >results.txt

is something different, as it redirects stdout to file and stderr to the non-redirected stdout. And of course you can substitute &1 for a different file name.

If you are using bash you will get away with

./script.sh &>results.txt

Not that in all cases the interwoven stdout/stderr are not guaranteed to be in the same order as on the console. This will work for everything, not only bash scripts.


Make sure you redirect all output to the text file.

  • stdout with >
  • stderr with 2>

See more here and here.

Note that the script should start with:


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