How can I create an empty (transparent) PNG containing 24 bit color channels with ImageMagick? The obvious one

    convert -size 1920x1080 xc:transparent blank.png      

will create an 1bit b/w image with alpha channel. Adding some options like

convert -size 1920x1080 xc:transparent  -colorspace rgb  -type truecolor blank.png

which work for .jpg format, still gains the same 1bit result. Any ideas?

1 Answer 1


ImageMagick defines several "sub-formats" for PNG that can be used to request the encoder to write a particular PNG color-type and bit-depth. By 24-bit I assume you mean 8-bit red, green, and blue channels; for that use the png24 subformat:

convert -size 1920x1080 xc:transparent png24:blank.png

Note that "xc:transparent" creates an image with an alpha channel, which will be conveyed in a PNG24 via a PNG tRNS chunk. If you don't want that, then specify a non-transparent color such as "xc:white" instead.

Other possibilities are png8 (8-bit indexed with binary transparency), png32 (8-bit-per-channel RGBA), png48 (16-bit-per channel RGB), and png64 (16-bit-per-channel RGBA).


convert -list format | grep PNG

to see what's available in your ImageMagick installation.

  • Ah cool. So the internal color format is actually not used, but the selection is made by the output format. The png24: worked well for me. Thanks!
    – dronus
    Commented Jun 28, 2015 at 20:10

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