I can mount a CD like this:

sudo dbus-launch gvfs-mount cdda://sr0

And I get the tracks as .wav files in /root/.gvfs.

But it mounts as root, and chown doesn't work (not implemented in the fuse driver I guess). If I try running this commands as a non-root user, it doesn't work.

The output from /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfs-fuse-daemon --help has lines indicating -o uid=$UID and -o gid=$GID exist, but I can't figure out how to use them. I'm not manually starting the daemon and I can't figure out where that happens. Whe n I tried manually starting the daemon it caused other problems, and adding -o options doesn't seem to work (to the daemon or the gvfs-mount command).

Does anyone know what the syntax of this is supposed to be, or can anyone offer other help as to what I might be doing wrong?

(OS is Raspbian on a Pi 2, so basically Debian Wheezy).



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