OpenSuSE 13.2, running grub2.

Yesterday I had a normal grub2 boot menu and could choose to boot (successfully) into Linux or Windows.
Today, I see the grub2 header displayed for a fraction of a second, and then it proceeds to boot into Linux without giving me the usual 8 seconds of choice.
I had not changed the timeout or any other grub settings.

I have now tried grub2-install /dev/sda and grub2-mkconfig, to no noticeable effect. The generated /boot/grub2/grub.cfg looks fine; it definitely has an entry for Windows.

LONG VERSION: I had a spot of bother yesterday, and ended up re-installing openSuSE, letting it create a /home directory on the (btrfs) system partition, and then replacing that with the (encrypted) xfs partition that I had been using up until the trouble.
It may be at that point that grub broke (although I don't see why), because I know I was still able to boot into Windows via the grub menu after the reinstall but before resurrecting /home.

UPDATE: The grub trouble may have started when I tried to exit openSuSE by selecting the Windows entry from the shutdown menu as the OS to boot into next (see image).enter image description here Note that that entry is a bit odd, since Windows is not a "snapper" btrfs snapshot.
Anyway, I now also see that /boot/grub2/grubenv has this:

# GRUB Environment Block
next_entry=Bootable snapshot #$snapshot_num>Windows 7 (loader) (on /dev/sda1)

Could that be the issue? Can/should I unset next_entry? Or delete the entire line? What are the 914 '#'s about?

1 Answer 1


Yup, that weird entry in grubenv was the issue.

I renamed the file and rebooted and I have gloriously full grub2 functionality again.

Thanks for rubber-ducking, SuperUsers.

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