I used to have a laptop that had a function hotkey to play/pause music when you had a music player (iTunes, mediamonkey). I have a new laptop now, but it doesn't have that hotkey anymore. How can I create a hotkey to play/pause music? (I have a windows 8.1 laptop by the way)

  • Many players themselves allow you to configure global hotkeys. You could use one of those.
    – Karan
    Commented Jun 7, 2015 at 3:42

1 Answer 1

  1. Download ZIP (no installer) version of SharpKeys.

  2. Map an unused key (F12 for example) to the Play/Pause Media key and update the registry as follows:



  3. Log off and log back on or reboot. You can optionally also delete the program now if you don't require it any longer.

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