Homebrew has command, which tells it to stop upgrading mentioned formulas:

$ brew pin $FORMULA

Does anyone know if there is any homebrew command which shows the list of pinned formulas?

1 Answer 1


brew list --pinned should do the trick.

I'm using brew version 0.9.5. The solution is listed in the manual pages as follows:

ls, list [--unbrewed] [--versions [--multiple]] [--pinned] [formulae] Without any arguments, list all installed formulae.

If formulae are given, list the installed files for formulae. Combined with --verbose, recursively list the contents of all subdirectories in each for- mula's keg.

If --unbrewed is passed, list all files in the Homebrew prefix not installed by Homebrew.

If --versions is passed, show the version number for installed formulae, or only the specified formulae if formulae are given. With --multiple, only show formulae with multiple versions installed.

If --pinned is passed, show the versions of pinned formulae, or only the specified (pinned) formulae if formulae are given. See also pin, unpin.

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